@GoddamnTweeting @GamersNexus I see you are a man of exquisite taste.
@JoinDeepRock: AND THE OTHER ONE TOO! Thank you all for leaving no dwarf behind and making this possible! ROCK AND STONE!
@JoinDeepRock: WE DID IT, MINERS!
AND THE OTHER ONE TOO! Thank you all for leaving no dwarf behind and making this possible! ROCK AND STONE!
Deep Rock Galactic wins Indie Game of the Year! #SXSW https://t.co/PbwLYI74I4
Deep Rock Galactic wins the #SXSW Gaming Award for Excellence in Multiplayer! https://t.co/MLGYIr4QtI
We're up for two awards in tonight's @SXSWGaming Awards. Scoot on over to @IGN and cross your pickaxes for us! It's starting NOW! ROCK AND STONE!
@SuperTankerr Stream? Space? đź’©?
No developer stream today as we’re busy doing cool space dwarf sh*t.
@frozybob It is already disabled. “End of mission” is defined by calling the droppod as it’s the only somewhat reliable metric to measure that by.
@MoFNOYT: @JoinDeepRock For the next up coming update. Can you make the game less scary? Thank you!
@MoFNOYT But then we wouldn’t get tweets like this.
@Christeregis Seems like a waste of company funds.
DEV STREAM - “Drilled this cave into pieces. This is a fast Escort”
@DragoonTheBest Sir, this is a stream announcement, not a gift shop.
When this tweet is 1 hour old, we'll be taking a stab (and a lot of fall damage) at this week's new Deep Dives.
@whoevenplays: Karl News Network 9th Broadcast airs Today! Featuring Headlines of the Week, Deep Dives Forecast (with bombshell Karla Re…
@JoinDeepRock: *pewpewPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW* The Heavy Particle Cannon is the fifth prototype from our anniversary stream. NOTE: The prototy…
@Woltiv It’s not been announced.
*pewpewPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW* The Heavy Particle Cannon is the fifth prototype from our anniversary stream. NOTE: The prototypes shown are very early rough concepts and are neither assigned to a class nor guaranteed to go into the game.