Hotfix 4 is live - lots of tweaks to the perks. Get it while it's fresh! (Xbox version is going through certification right now - if it clears it will be out shortly. Stay tuned!)
Dev Stream - New Deep Dives!
@xTheVeganBearx: Phenomenal work on Update 28 by @GhostShip_Games @JoinDeepRock I really like the new perk system, weapon skins and the…
Part 2 of Hot Fix 4 is now live on Experimental Perk changes, including a new Perk: Hover Boots This is Early Early Access!
@HappyWulf Your progress is safe. Experimental is a separate save with a cheat terminal to get you up to speed. It's pretty much set up for feedback on new versions.
@salty_dwarf You know it will ;)
We have a build of the rebalanced perk system up on the Experimental branch on Steam - Right Click on DRG in Steam, select Properties, then BETA and pick Experimental in the dropdown menu. Let us know what you think here or on Discord.
@Uncle_Isstvan @pluffbebop @NariRaku We're aiming for this week. There will always be around 1-2 weeks of delay, depending on how many bugs we find through the live testing of the Steam version. We can never predict when Xbox is ready until it's almost there, so we do not announce it.
@McSlammy_BH Remember to hydrate in the Abyss Bar between missions.
"Steeve" Fan-art by Gottfriend on Discord
In case you're wondering, we'll be doing some rebalancing of the perk system in an upcoming hotfix next week. Might not be the first hotfix to hit, but stay tuned. And yes, it will include resetting points. Rock and Stone! ⛏️
@acrazyhippie69: Wont lie in the last few years of gaming there is one game I look at and will say that I have loved every moment of, fr…
@TheFlagshipTV: It's the BEST DAY! It's FLAGSHIP FRIDAY!
Everyone you know is over at:
@JoinDeepRock is happen…
@Digital_Logik: Our Friday interviews ARE BACK ft.@soren_lundgaard from #GhostShipGames😎
Listen to us talk about the future of @JoinDee…
Have you taken Update 28 for a spin yet? If so, what do you think? Is it...?
@DTIzwardo Next week if all goes according to plan.
@ScatterheadF @GhostShip_Games