@mechanic_miner The trick is to only tweet in gifs.
@benraging Gullible bugs are the best bugs.
@xTheVeganBearx: Trying out the Unstable OC Leadstorm, all 4x Gunners in a Haz 5 Elimination, all running Leadstorm should be interestin…
Update 27: Hotfix 2 is now live on Steam
Fixes special beer buffs, movement impairing salute bug, improves the parallax effect in the Mission Terminal, Laser pointer tweaks, and linked Vanity to Loadouts by popular demand. And more!
@AxzlShadowz Five hundred bugs when into this test. Go fetch some more eggs. We're not done testing.
Sometimes you have to be a little excessive when hunting for a rare crash-bug
(a hotfix patch for Update 27 is expected later today)
Update 27: Little Big Things is now live on Steam! New Machine Event, New Enemy, New Weapon Skin, Loadouts, New Animations, Beard-Aware Armors, Unique Beer Mugs, and more!
Xbox/Win10 to follow tomorrow or later today
Thanks to all of you for voting for us in the Labor of Love nominations at #SteamAwards2019. We didn't make it, but it did spawn hot discussions on reddit
Next year, DRG is eligible for nominations in all the other award categories #betterwithfriends
@LordTombot ... or brand spanking new if the lifespan is shorter.
When your minigun is an ancient heirloom passed down through generations of dwarven gunners.
@CombatNinja1269 Not currently. The latency is mostly depending on the connection between you and the host, which dedicated servers won't necessarily fix.
Dev Stream - Each Thurs/Fri at 1pm UTC+1
We will stream from the upcoming update 27 today - we're still awaiting our lunch to arrive, so we'll start a bit later than usual.
Watch out for this chonker if you're comfy in your bunker
@BitchMixu @Garenator666 @PCNS82
Today's stream will be from Update 27 which secretly appeared on the Experimental Branch today