@Vaygrim Dunno, but that Void Bastards is looking pretty sweet.
@beosnook @lawlkat
@gamermomsays: Me: This probably has to be my last game, I need to eat.
Mom: You can eat and play videogames at the same time. I have n…
"It's not easy being green." - Kermit the frog. A great three-frame mood-shot by JL Tuchintime on Discord.
@JoinDeepRock: You had one job, Bosco...
@Lukeplier Several holes, actually!
@MikedUpGaming But of course!
You had one job, Bosco...
@BaronSheep @Shryku It's time to take your relationship to a new level! Play together!
@Its_Kyle17 It's Suggestions on
@aurelius_hampus He's a distant cousin.
@Its_Kyle17 We have some suggestion channels on Discord that I know the designers often look at.
@Seth24214237 No PS4 version announced at this point.
@Its_Kyle17 Nah, that shouldn't be necessary. We want it out ASAP.
@Its_Kyle17 It's a series of really bad timing, mostly.
@Its_Kyle17 They all do, but there's apparently a new conflict between engine and UWP due to an update. Due to E3 and other circumstances not on our end, it's been taking more time than what we consider reasonable.
@Seth24214237 There's play anywhere between the Microsoft Store/Xbox versions.
@Its_Kyle17 We're just as frustrated as you, so we totally get it. :)