@realtimtamtom Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about it, as we don't have a system to gift cosmetics like that. Since the game hadn't updated, you experienced the previous anniversary content instead, thus not receiving the hat because it was not the proper assignment. :(
And what a story it is!
@JoinDeepRock a 2 part story https://t.co/Am8nFGGlrz
FYI The Great Egg Hunt event is over in 7 hours. If you missed getting the hats for your noggin', there's always neggst year.
@xboxmoonknight Is your system time set correct? It might influence the math.
@Lucas84856048 @TranquilMarmot @CypressXMX @Lycandula Nope, they just move out of the season pass.
@TranquilMarmot @CypressXMX @Lycandula All Season 1 content will move to the normal loot cycle in Season 2. No need to stress.
@xboxmoonknight Does it say that on Xbox?
@Lycandula They’re made of rocks and stones.
@Lycandula: When I first got into the Great Egg Hunt event, I went straight for kicking those eggs... but I think management finally got…
@genewood91 It’s 3000 points.
@ggDoA: . @JoinDeepRock party tonight consisted of Original Box Art Megaman, The Joker, and Hulk Hogan.
This is not intentional, but we might not be able to fix it before next week due to the Easter Break.
The second stage of this week's Deep Dive appears to just barely have the amount of Morkite needed to complete it, so if you are going in, make sure you vacuum every little bit off the walls (or wait for Dark Morkite to appear in the bar).
@IAmRun6 Which platform?
@FriendlyOne6 We've heard it's tight on Morkite, but some people manage to get 150/150, so it's doable, but definitely not desirable. Not much we can do about it, as it is currently Easter holiday at HQ.
The narrated trailer also came with a Steam post with some written goodies - and yes, it's relevant for non-Steam miners too!
@TheFrozenOcelot Not sure we have many optimizations in Season 2, but if you can pinpoint situations where it happens, it would be a great help.
@PCGamesN: Here's when the next season of @JoinDeepRock kicks off
@rougedeer It stays as it took a lot of work to make😅Currently no plans to put it in assignments or deep dives, due to it being a bit more difficult and longer than the average mission.
@CmdrWiggley No, it's a reference to medical gowns.