Original Post — Direct link

You can find the official page for Cross Save here!

To clear up some confusions around Cross Save and for having a central place to ask questions, we made this megathread. All posts asking about Cross Save from this point onwards will be relegated here.


Do I need to take any action?

  • On PC: Yes. Since Destiny 2 will move to Steam on Oct 1st (with the release of Shadowkeep), you need to link your Battle.net & Steam account. You can do so on this page now. If you additionally wish to play on other platforms, you can enable Cross Save on this page starting Wednesday, Aug 21st (most likely at reset time).

  • On Consoles: If you plan to stay on your platform, no. If you want to switch around, you can enable Cross Save on this page starting Wednesday, Aug 21st (most likely at reset time).

Can I play all content on all platforms?

  • Until Oct 1st: No. Licences are platform specific. If you haven't purchased the game (and didn't get it for free as part of PS Plus / XBox Games with Gold), you can't play.

  • After Oct 1st: Destiny 2: New Light will be Free-to-Play on all Platforms. You can download it on any platform, link your account on Bungie.net, and have access to:

    • Patrol on all Locations (including Tangled Shore, Dreaming City & Moon)
    • The Campaign up until Forsaken (D2 Vanilla through Warmind)
    • Strikes Playlists, Crucible Playlists & Gambit (Prime)
    • Leviathan Raid, including Raid Lairs (Eater of Worlds, Spire of Stars)
    • Some select Shadowkeep content
    • NO ACCESS to the Forsaken Campaign, exotic quests, any Y2 Raid or Dungeon (Last Wish, Shattered Throne, Crown of Sorrow), Forges, Menagerie, most Shadowkeep content (including the new raid).
  • Please see also this image.

  • In the words of /u/Roketsu86:

    • Cross Save is what you have. Gear, guns, consumables, shaders, Collection. This all transfers to any platform.
    • Platform licenses are what you can do: Raids, Forges, Exotic Quests, The Menagerie. This is specific to any platforms you purchase licenses on.

I'm playing on multiple Platforms. Which Guardian will I have when enabling Cross Save?

  • When enabling Cross Save, you have to choose which platform is your current "main account", and it will take all data from there and make it available to other platforms. As detailed in the official FAQ, characters on "left behind" platforms won't be deleted - you can disable Cross Save to access them, though there is a 90 day grace period to enable it again.

Can I matchmake with players on other Platforms?

  • No, Cross Save does not equal Cross Play.

Can I play with one character on multiple platforms at the same time?

  • Most likely not, no. You can however log out on one platform (there is an option for this below "Change characters" since forever), boot up another platform and sign in there and have all data readily available.

Make sure to read through the official FAQ as well, as it answers more questions, for example regarding Silver. If you have any additional questions, leave them below.

Furthermore, if you'd like to join our Discord server you can do so by clicking here.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DeansALT

OK so this question might seem a little redundant but I just want to be as clear as possible here so I don't f**k up lol.

The account I'm planning on transferring to PC tomorrow is my Xbox acc, however, I own the base game on bnet from when it was free. Should I:

A) Transfer my PC license to steam right now and then move my Xbox data tomorrow?

or B) Wait until tomorrow, set my Xbox acc as my main one, and THEN move my licenses to steam?

Hopefully, this isn't a really dumb question I'm just a little out of the loop with regards to how this transfer to steam is gonna work.

Yes, (A) is the right move. If you are both performing Blizzard-to-Steam migration AND planning to do Cross Save, you will want to link both your Blizzard and Steam accounts first. We have a little warning message on the Cross Save screen that will come up for people who have Blizzard but not Steam linked, to let people know they have to link both and kick off this migration process before they can cross save.

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Originally posted by -__Quiet__-

It won't send me the verification email. What do I have to do? I can't link it if i don't have the email verified.

This can take some time. What service is the email?

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Originally posted by -__Quiet__-


We've seen this take some time, plus there are a lot of other users hitting the site.

over 5 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by SlixFaz

So its asking me to confirm for transfer. However, i only have 2 guardians right now, if i were to create a new guardian now, after confirming transfer will the new guardian also transfer over?

The PC Move display is just showing you what you have right now. If you create a new character, it will still be brought over when the move actually happens. Remember, the actual migration from Blizzard to Steam doesn't occur until Shadowkeep releases, you're just linking a Steam account so we know what Steam account you will be using to play Destiny 2 on.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by HoldenAGrenade

Dear Edgar, please hook me up with some knowledge...

I just bought Forsaken and Annual Pass 1.0 on B.Net so that I can play everything up until October 1st. the transaction is pending so when I go to link my B.net to my steam it only says I have the base game, curse of osiris and warmind.

Should I:

A) Link the accounts now because the system will perform a secondary check before transferring licenses on October 1st

B) Wait until the B.net/Steam link process says that I have forsaken purchased because that's the point of transfer...

Thank you good sir.

Ah, good question! So the trick is that those licenses will definitely transfer from Blizzard to Steam whenever the migration executes. The migration itself isn't going to happen until the day Shadowkeep goes live, so until then your licenses are still on Blizzard and you can still play there even if you link your Steam account: doing so just sets up your account so that the transfer happens immediately when Shadowkeep launches.

I have heard some reports of people getting the wrong game purchases shown in that UI, and we're definitely looking into them. PM me your Bungie.net profile and I'll look at it! (and in the interim, a question: have you played on Blizzard since buying the Forsaken and Annual pass? Our UI won't update until you log into the game on Blizzard as logging into the game is the only thing that updates our information about what you've purchased, which could be what's happening)

So yes, go and link the accounts now!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by bnelli15

What order should I do things if I currently only have a PS4 account, but am going to buy the game on PC tomorrow to start playing there. Should I set up my PS4 account as my main account for cross save, and then buy and set up the game on Battle net, and then link to Steam? Or should I buy the game, link to Steam, and then do cross save. I have never played or owned Destiny on PC,but I do already have a Battle net account, for other Blizzard games.

What I'd advise depends on if you want to make your PS4 characters active... I assume you will rather than starting over!

Given that assumption, you should:

  • Buy the game on Blizzard
  • Link Battle.net and Steam to the same bungie.net account that has your PS4 account
  • Then do Cross Save

Doing that will make all three Cross Saved, and Migration will work seamlessly to transfer your purchased licenses!

Note that the UI may show you the wrong licenses when you link Steam, because if you haven't actually played on blizzard yet Bungie.net doesn't have a way of knowing you bought the game. But the licenses will transfer.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by RmOhio

Are we going to have to download everything again for the steam move? If so, what is the plan for that when there will be soooooooo much traffic already going on that day?

Ah, unfortunately that's not in my wheelhouse! I don't know the answer to that one!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by LHodge

What if Bungie.net won't let me link my Steam account? Am I just out of luck and can't cross save? Bungie.net just gives me a Cloudflare 500S Box Error every time I open the "Link Steam" window instead of sending me to Steam.

hmm, can you try it again now? We were experiencing some unexpected difficulties earlier today, but things should be more smooth now.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by xangasm

Can somebody help me? I'm so lost... I've been unable to create an account for months now. Whenever I attempt to sign up with my battle.net account and accept the privacy statement, the browser doesn't take me anywhere. If i hit decline, it takes me to an error page.

I've tried this on several computers and my phone at this point, including edge, firefox and chrome. I also don't use adblock. I'm so done with this site...

Ooh, that's not a great situation! There may be a bug in our process where it's not showing you the underlying error happening, let me check a few things.

What are you setting your Display Name to?

What is the email address you are setting (feel free to send me this via PM to avoid having to share it publicly)

Lastly, if you try it in chrome but hit F12 before you attempt it, do you see an error message in the window that pops up once you accept the agreement? If so, can you PM me what the error says?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by LHodge

I should have edited my post instead of replying further down, the issue resolved itself after about an hour! Thanks for looking into it!

Ah, no worries! Sweet, I"m glad it worked!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by HoldenAGrenade

Yes thank you so much for replying this late!

Very good to hear. I purchased it about 2 hours ago and I am just leaving work. I will go home and sign in on PC so that it updates.

Thank you for the offer to look into it, I will save that as a last resort!

Excellent, yeah let me know!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Snozing

Thanks for replying to questions late into the evening!

No prob, glad to be of help when I can!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by VonDB

Thanks for clarifying, Edgar. I have a question on the same territory. On PC I have just the year one base game + Osiris + Warmind and don’t plan to purchase Forsaken. After Oct 1st will that content be “converted” into New Light? Apparently New Light has more content (e.g.: free roam on all destinations, Forsaken strikes, Gambit) than my current Y1 entitlements.

Ooh, that is a good question! I don't actually know about how the New Light conversion works. I will ask some folks and see what the situation will be with that!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DeathstormDAG

I have another question, I don’t know if this pertains to cross play but is there any talk of allowing legacy dialogue on PC for those who moved over during Warmind or Curse of Osiris. Seriously I just want that I don’t want to have to go through literally every story mission in forsaken again just to hear the legacy dialogue on my imported PS4 character. So again is there any talk of any form about allowing legacy dialogue on PC for pc accounts?

Ah, good question! Unfortunately we don't support the merging of accounts that would be required for that to occur at this time.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DestinyNole

I have a question:

I already linked my Bnet and Steam accounts but I only have the base game on PC (I play mainly on PS4). Even tho I already linked my Bnet and Steam, If I purchase all the DLCs + Forsaken + Annual pass on Blizzard now, will they still transfer over to Steam once Shadowkeep comes out?

Yes indeed! No worries, the actual transfer of licenses isn't going to happen until Shadowkeep itself comes out - so in the meantime, all you're really doing is setting up the relationship between the two accounts in preparation for that migration!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by thewombinthesky

Hey hey any chance for veteran dialogue to be a toggle for PC players?

Unfortunately, the account merging that would be required to make that happen isn't supported at this time.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by darnok_grebob

Hey Edgar! Quick question, if I enable cross-save for my titan who I have on PS4, Will i be able to play on both pc and PS4 with that character whenever I want?

Or is it like I move my titan over to pc and have to move it back to PS4 when I want to play there?

Yes - so basically what you're doing is selecting a set of characters that will be the ones you use on all platforms. It's a semi-permanent choice: you can undo it, but you must wait 90 days before you can choose a different one if you undo it.

Once you choose those characters, they are the only ones you can play on any of your linked platforms. So if you have a Titan on PS4 that you want to play, you'll need to choose your PS4 set of characters: at that point, you can play those specific characters on PS4 and PC at will with no further ado!

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Coohippo

So, is it postponed until another day or for a few hours or any idea of a cross save ETA? Just trying to plan around it and stuff. I’m pretty excited for cross save :)

/u/dmg04 /u/Cozmo23

Maintenance resumed. Expected to become available at 12:30 PM Pacific. Pardon our dust!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by JackSpadesSI

Odd question here: what happens if I'm playing my cross-saved character on my PC and then I try to start up Destiny 2 on my Xbox One? I certainly imagine it wouldn't let me play, say, my warlock in two places at once, but what about warlock on PC and hunter on console? I own two separate licenses to the game to cover both platforms, but I'm guessing your back-end systems wouldn't allow one account to be accessed in multiple places at once like that.

Ah, so the trick there is that you're going to get kicked out of the PC session. If you spin up a new one, the old one gets booted out of the server.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Tehsyr

Hey Edgar, first thanks a ton for helping to answer questions people have here. Second, the "account merging" option is something I had been hopeful for a long time. Not pushing it or anything, but the wording you use as "isn't supported at this time" raises some questions. Like many people, the veteran status isn't just some extra lines and some exclusive emblems no one else starting in D2 would get. It's that recognition of "you've done some serious shit in D1, now go kick a plethora of ass in D2 and take more names and titles."

It's understandable that account merging/veteran status enabling right now isn't an option, but your wording for "at this time" leaves a little bit of hope. I would like to ask just as a precaution of sorts, does your wording "at this time" mean "we're talking about it internally and it could be something in the future, but it's highly uncertain" or is it more "logistics wise that's man power being taken away from working on shadow keep and seasons that can't be spared"?

EDIT: Just to clarify, yeah I get it it's a question that has been asked Bungie knows how many times. The reason asking for more clarification is, time is very valuable. There have been countless hours poured into D1 and D2, across millions of accounts. Some of those accounts couldn't wait to play D2 when it launched so they bought it for console and learned "hey, this veteran status is pretty neat. My character knows all the information learned back in D1!" Then the leap to PC came with 60fps, mouse and keyboard, and 4k resolution. Some of us made that jump, committing to the grind to boost up three characters, again. And now with Shadowkeep and Cross Saving being announced, the question of "Veteran Status for PC?" comes up again because if this monumental task is being undertaken, perhaps there is hope we can get that tick mark for our account to carry that over the top badass legacy back in D1.

When Edgar Verona (once again thanks very much for answering questions in the thread) answered with "Account merging required to make that (read: veteran status enabled on Blizz/Steam) happen isn't supported at this time", it raises some hope, but at the same time it's that open ended question where UnknownPlayer and RickKackis could take and say "For PC hopefuls out there, Veteran Status could be coming to PC" and spread some misinformation, hence why I'm asking the question "what exactly do you mean by this?" It's definitely an eggshell question, and I don't mean to put him on the spot.

Oh, I apologize - I didn't mean to raise up hopes unintentionally! I actually am not in any of the discussions around whether or not account merging is even possible etc, so I don't have any exposure to or ability to influence that. I know that it's not something we're doing for Cross Save, but I have no knowledge (positive or negative) about the future unfortunately!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by v1ces

I'm aware that this is off-topic and that you may not be able to speak about it, but are able to comment on what's causing the delay for cross-save? I'm curious as to what's stopped it as it appears to be a sudden issue.

Ah, sorry: I don't think it's something I can talk about! But we should be up and running soon(tm)!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by thewombinthesky

Can it be something talked about internally at least? On the backend, what triggers the destiny 2 account to allow vet status?

It feels bad that when we were told to start over on PC and we would never get vet status on PC, where people are now able to move to PC with vet status.

I will pass on the sentiment that you and others in the thread mentioned about wanting this.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by NecromorphsVsFlood

Please pass it along that we are interested in this. Just the dialogue at minimum.

Aye, I'm passing it on!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by green_pirate64

I know it's not high priority, but it would mean a lot if you could pass the word that a lot of us that migrated to PC early would love this. It doesn't really make sense for me to take my old PS4 character over my PC one that has every exotic/day one raid emblems like some people on this sub have suggested. Maybe not a full merge but just something that recognizes the old D1 account linked to our Bungie accounts?

Aye, I'm passing it on!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DeathstormDAG

Thank you for the answer i’m very grateful. Still very sad but very grateful. I know this is naïve of me to ask but what is stopping you guys technically from just putting the option in. Like not merging accounts but just allowing the dialogue itself to be an option you can enable? That is my last question.

I don't think I have permission to go into depth on this one, but there's definitely challenges unfortunately. But I did bubble up the fact that folks are requesting it!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

but I have no knowledge (positive or negative) about the future

So you’re telling me there’s a chance....

Oy, ha!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

I was having issues clicking "I agree" (it stayed grey) on mobile (chrome) but I just did it on a computer and it was fine. Figured youd want to know about that oddity.

Oh yeah, I think you happened to hit it while we briefly had everything but the actual ability to complete the process enabled. Try it now!

EDIT: Ah, you already did. sweet!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Adrinalin90

Suspicious glances.

Just kidding, stuff happens, keep up the good work (and don't overdo it!).


over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

Now with crosssave on mobile I can only authenticate one account at a time and then my other authentications vanish.

Hmm, this is going to sound like a totally strange question but are you on the move while you are trying? Can you try connecting to a wifi network before you attempt?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

I am in a fixed location (at work) connected to wi-fi. Not an odd question at all. I appreciate y'all and am here to help!

It is possible that our mechanisms to track whether you've successfully authenticated with all your linked accounts isn't going to work through your network at work, depending on how they route traffic. I'm going to propose a longer term fix for that, but for now you may have to try it when you get on another network. It may be worth trying to disconnect from your work wi-fi as well and give it a shot there.

As a separate issue, we're having difficulty communicating with Steam for authentication at this time, which could cause other problems. We're investigating.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by AscendantShard

I’m having an issue where when I try to authenticate my Steam account, it just keeps bringing me to an error page and I’m not sure what to do because it’s holding me back from cross-save

Yes, unfortunately we're tracking an issue where we can't communicate with Steam's authentication servers at the moment. We're investigating/hitting folks up now.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Lemonxisonfire

So I’m trying to authenticate my accounts but every time I try to authenticate steam after I authenticate blizzard, the authentication for blizzard disappears.

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on Bungie.net, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Bladewar

Internal error when authenticating Steam account. I should have waited to link my Bnet to Steam.

We're tracking difficulties connecting to Steam right now. It looks like it's going through for some and failing to connect to Steam for others. Looking into it presently!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by HypersonicSmash

Can’t authenticate more than one platform at a time, anyone else having this problem?

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on Bungie.net, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm, okay new potential questions - do you have anything like a plugin or router setting that might be clearing/blocking your cookies, or forcing cookies to not be honored in your browser?

over 5 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by pdxLink

I have both my battle.net and PS4 accounts linked to my bungie account. I want to make my PS4 characters my main cross save profile, but it's only allowing me to choose the battle.net one, which I only have a few hours on. Is anyone having this issue?

Be sure you have the correct accounts linked - you may not have the PS4 account linked that you think you do. A good way to check is to sign out of bungie.net and sign in using the same login and password you use on your PS4. If it asks you to create a new profile or if it doesn't log you into the same profile as your battle.net account, then you need to fix the account links.

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Originally posted by Malifo

Not sure if any Devs are still in here, but on my Cross Save page it says I have 0 silver on my Xbox account but I have 200. Will there be any issues with that?

What account are you setting as your Active Account?

Silver is tied to the platform it was purchased on. If you choose an account and another account has Silver, that Silver will be left with the inactive account.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by ShottyBiondi

I switched from work PC to my phone via network data and it worked the second time, unfortunately I'm just getting the 500 internal server error for Steam which I'm guessing is just the amount of traffic happening.

Yes, unfortunately we're currently experiencing issues being able to connect to Steam's auth servers. We're working on it presently!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by RoguexA

I haven't seen anyone mention that CLOUDFLARE was involved with the error messages, is this something that you were aware of?

Hmm, I've not heard about that one! Can you hit refresh and see if it continues to occur?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by djthememelord

I'm getting the 500 error code whenever I try to link steam, PSN and Battle.net linked fine. Should I just wait for less traffic or do you have a solution?

We're investigating presently - we're having difficulty consistently connecting to Steam, folks are looking into it as we speak!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm... do you happen to have anything that might be blocking or filtering out your cookies from being sent to us?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by polychlorinated

having the same issue

Oy, aye. Hang tight - investigation/talk with Steam is ongoing. Some are able to connect, but it is intermittent.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

No plug ins. Under settings cookies are allowed. My guess is that it is related to how the mobile app opens additional tabs and windows. But mobile web browsers aren't my area of expertise.

What mobile browser are you using?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by merkwerk

Hey so I was able to get through cross save authentication, but now when I try to log in on b.net I just keep getting servers not available (which clearly isn't the case)....wondering if something got messed up with my account with cross save?


Can you send me your bungie.net profile URL? I will pass this on to folks who can investigate on the game side.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by dbz9

when you stop by a thread and you see "Bungie Replied x35" you KNOW dat boi /u/EdgarVerona is on the scene. you rock edgar.

Ha, thanks! Though I wish I could be of more help than just saying "we're investigating Steam issues" at the moment! Hopefully this should be resolved soon.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by RoguexA

Aye, as fate would have it, the authentication seemed to work as soon as I posted my comment. We use Cloudflare at work for 'securely hosting' some websites and was wondering whether your authentication app was having troubles getting through Cloudflare (if you used it) with Steam, or vice versa.

Seems to be fine now though.

Sweet - yeah, right now it's hitting Steam's authentication endpoints directly that is causing us troubles - but we're talking with folks and investigating now. Hopefully we should be able to work this out soon(tm).

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

I am using fully updated chrome on a Samsung galaxy s7 edge. Nothing that would block cookies on my phone

Hmm, that is very odd. Let me see if I can dig in further into our logs! Could you send me your Bungie.net profile URL link?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

I authenticate xbox, and the cross save site says I'm authenticated. Then I authenticate steam, it takes me back to the cross save page, xbox goes from authenticated (it is displayed upon my return) but then it goes away and steam shows it is authenticated. Hope that helps figure this puzzle out.

Ah, so in the flow you're going through, is it actually popping up a new, separate tab/window for the authentication and then closing that window? Or is it all happening in the same window/tab? If the latter, that definitely could be what's going on... we may be losing your authentication state because it's navigating away from the page. The intended behavior of the page is that it pops up a new tab/window to authenticate, but this is a good potential lead.

Let me know if you can send me a link to your profile URL, that'll let me see if I can find more info on our side.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by merkwerk

Hey I got it figured out, just did a scan & repair through b.net and everything is fine now! Thanks though.

Ah, good! Glad to hear it!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Okay, so Steam sign in should be working again. Give it another shot!

Some people are experiencing issues where they authenticate with one account and the others get disabled. Now that Steam is working more consistently, try it again from the beginning if you're hitting this. We're still looking into root causes and potential solutions for the people hitting this type of error.

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

We are currently investigating the "Something weird happened" error users are seeing.

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

We believe the whack-a-mole issue with accounts automatically un-authenticating is related to the Something Weird Happening error. Still investigating!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by xangasm

Thanks for the response! However, with the help of a friend I was somehow able to fix my issue by having him swap emails around.

Before we were able to fix it though, I tried the chrome+F12 check and got nothing at all just so you know.

Ah, good to know- thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Originally posted by kurmudgeon

OK, so I enabled cross-save and set my Battle.Net account as my primary active account. I just logged into Battle.Net, started Destiny 2 and got into a Forge playlist. When I'm in a playlist the 1st game runs fine and I'm queued up for the next game in the playlist. Once the 2nd playlist game starts, the game crashes saying "problem reading game content".

I did a Scan & Repair through Battle.Net, no errors detected. Restarted my computer and tried it once more. Same issue happens.

I then tried my other gaming PC as a test. The exact same issue happens on my 2nd PC as well the same way; 2nd game of a playlist causes the crash.

Then I thought it might be related to Cross-Save so I was going to just disable it for now. I can't disable it. It says that I have to re-authenticate my accounts again. This becomes a game of Whack-a-mole where as soon as I authenticate one account, the others un-authenticate. It's impossible to authenticate all of them. Then when I get to my Battle.net account it says there's an error with my account. It says that I recently purchased Silver and have to wait 48 hours. I haven't purchased Silver in over 2 months on my Battle.net account.


I think I found a solution. I had to access my cross-save primary account (which is my Battle.Net account) on my PS4. Now I don't have the errors being thrown on my PC any more and can play my Battle.Net account on PC without issues.

SOLUTION: if you get this error after setting your Battle.net account as your cross-save account: https://i.imgur.com/fyPqKE3.png

Do this:

  • On your PC, close Destiny 2 and also exit out of Battle.Net app
  • Start up D2 on your console (in my case it was my PS4) and log in
  • Log out of your D2 account and/or close out of D2 on your console.
  • Start Battle.Net and then Destiny 2 again on your PC.
  • Play like normal. You shouldn't get the error message any more.

Is this a game crash (the .exe stops working) or in-game error code?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by KSC216

Getting a "Something Weird" error with the following text: "Error: If this error continues, please consult the #Help Forum.\n at https://www.bungie.net/7/static/js/main.021f3d6d.chunk.js:1:3209\nat new Promise ()\n at d (https://www.bungie.net/7/static/js/main.021f3d6d.chunk.js:1:2993)"

Sorted this by just going fast af through the process.

Thanks to the input from folks here, I think we've isolated the issue. We're testing a fix, I'll update here if it looks to resolve the problem!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by broncosmang

"Something Weird Happened"

Pretty sure I figured out the issue here. Seems to come from your authorizations timing out while you complete to cross save process. I tried hauling ass through in a controlled manner and it went through without issue. Several other folks on the bungie boards have confirmed that this worked for them too!

Posted below, but sharing here for visibility:

"Something Weird Happened"

Pretty sure I figured out the issue here. Seems to come from your authorizations timing out while you complete to cross save process. I tried hauling ass through in a controlled manner and it went through without issue. Several other folks on the bungie boards have confirmed that this worked for them too!

Sweet - indeed, we believe this is the root cause as well. We're working on a fix!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

Sent you a dm/pm

Sweet - thanks to your input and others, I think we've identified the problem. Testing a fix now, will post in this thread if it works.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by omegasaga

It worked for me. Thank you and the rest of the team for all your hard work. Glad I could help!

Sweet, good deal!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by evil_mike

I have 2FA set for all of my accounts. Is there a timeout issue where it's de-authenticating the other accounts because I'm not fast enough due to having to log in with an username/password AND authenticator?

Mmm, yes indeed I believe this the issue. We're testing a fix right now and trying to get a build pushed out to fix the de-authenticating issue - my apologies for the delays! I'll be posting an update here once we get it pushed live for folks to give it another shot who are experiencing this.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Bugman657

I linked my Blizzard and Steam accounts yesterday, I am trying to activate Cross Save today, but it will not let me authenticate Steam and Blizzard at the same time. If I authenticate Blizzard today will I be able to use Cross Save on October 1st with Steam, or will I be stuck with the 90 day waiting period? I am using a PS4 account as my Main account.

Edit: Never mind they finally both authenticated, I still think it would be good to know if accounts can be added to cross save in the future without deactivating the feature.

Yes - so indeed if you link new accounts in the future, they will automatically be added to the cross save pairings!

The caveats though are:

  • You cannot un-link a cross saved account without undoing cross save. So make sure the ones you are linking are the ones you want forever (or at least for a long time!) if for some reason you have multiple accounts.

  • Once Shadowkeep goes live, Blizzard will no longer be a valid account to Cross Save with. You will have to migrate it to Steam at that point before that data can be included in cross save. (and once you migrate, the Blizzard account's data becomes the Steam accounts' data)*

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by kajunbowser

You and your co-workers on the back-end have earned a raise (or at least a good night at a bar) working through this. Thanks for the work, and thanks to the people posting some constructive feedback.

Thank you all! It's been really useful getting good data points from people experiencing the issue!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by TopcatFCD

Still no joy here, First xbox main account is already authenticated, PS4, steam and bnet arent. I can authenticate 2 at same time. I once got it to do three at same time but when i tried fourth it dropped one. Im getting proper sign in boxes and page seems to work ok just wont let me have more than two linked accounts authenticated.

Edit:scrap that, all 4 worked when i did it backwards, bnet, steam, ps4 and xbox. All sorted and ready!

Ah, sweet, good deal - yeah, for sure you were hitting this "auth invalidates too quickly" error that we're trying to push a workaround for soon(tm)

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by 0xBEEFBEEF

Still seeing this behavior where I log into steam and it deauthenticates battle.net and vice versa. Looks like it won't let me continue unless all 3 ps4/steam/b.net are authenticated. I've tried Chrome, Chrome Incognito, Vivaldi, Vivaldi Private Window.

Aye, hang tight - this problem's totally on our side. Auth verification in certain circumstances is being prematurely invalidated. We're testing a fix and will be deploying it later today!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by evil_mike

Does this mean I work for Bungie now?! :-)

FYI, I WAS able to push past the issue. I switched to inPrivate mode on Safari, and quickly logged into each of my accounts. I didn't wait for it to finish authenticating the second account before moving onto the next one, etc.

And thanks for all the hard work you guys and gals do. Seriously.

Sweet - ah, that's a clever move doing it in parallel!

Thank you, we appreciate it <3

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Xavier0080

One thing that's a bit unclear for me is on Silver purchases. I understand that silver is supposed to remain on the platform it was purchased on, but if I have 1000 Silver on both Xbox and PS4, enabling my Xbox as my active account and playing on PS4 should still show my 1000 silver (that was gifted to me on PSN), correct?

My Xbox account keeps showing 0 silver on Bungie's site, even though I have a balance of 1000 so it's a bit worrying to me. The final confirmation page also shows my silver count getting zeroed out across all platforms, why is why I'd appreciate some confirmation of this from someone who has run through this scenario.


Did you receive a warning pop-up in the prior step before that confirmation step? Go back to that prior step and keep an eye out for it. The situation with silver is that it stays with the characters they were attached to - so if you make XBox your primary account, the silver on that XBox account is available (but only while playing on Xbox), and the PSN accounts' silver stays on the inactive account and can no longer be accessed.

Also worth noting is that once you actually cross save, if you buy silver on that now-primary-formerly-XBox account, that silver will also stay on that account, but will be bound to the platform you bought it on. So if you buy PSN silver while you have your formerly XBox account as primary, you can only spend that silver while playing on PSN with that primary account.

I hope this helps to clarify!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Okay, the spice should be flowing again. We've deployed a fix that should resolve the "sudden loss of authentication"/"auth fast or die"/"What's this 500 error?!?" issue for the vast majority of people.

Some people may experience this as an occasional one-off, if so try again: the odds of it happening more than once as of this fix are extremely slim unless you are using any plugin or mechanism that blocks cookies.

I'm looking into a fix that will help to resolve that remaining minority case of one-off errors of this type, but that will likely not come until an upcoming deployment.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Xavier0080

Wait, so you're saying that the silver on my PSN account will be inaccessible to use once I make my Xbox account my primary?

It said silver balances are maintained per platform, which should mean my silver count on PS4 stays at 1000, even when making my Xbox account primary.

Is your post from first-hand experience? It doesn't make sense to me that silver I own is effectively being revoked

Aye, check out the FAQ here for more info:


It is unfortunately a confusing situation, but the gist is in this section:

"Does Silver get merged with Cross Save?

No. With Cross Save, players select one set of characters from a platform to be their active characters. Silver is associated with your characters, so when you select a set of characters to be active, only that silver on that platform will be available. The Silver you own on your other accounts will remain tied to those accounts, should you ever choose to access them again. However, any future Silver purchased will be available on the platform it was purchased."

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by mrmetal_53

Do we have to link all the accounts listed on that page? For example, I've got PS4, Battlenet, and steam accounts. I do not plan to ever play on Xbox and I don't even remember what my Xbox live account is (haven't played since Xbox 360 and have never played destiny on it). I did play Halo 3 on it, but I never made a bungie account; my bungie account has only existed since destiny came out. Do I need to figure out what my Xbox login is or can I just skip linking that account? Sorry for the long question

Oh no, you aren't required to Cross Save all possible accounts - but we do require that, if you have accounts Linked together on Bungie.net, they all must participate.

In your situation, you can leave XBox unlinked and you can continue the process just Cross Saving PSN and PC!

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Thanks to everyone who helped by posting details about the errors and behaviors they are seeing. Often, that's all we have to go on in diagnosing issues we ourselves can't reproduce. Sometimes these things have very strange causes that take a long time to track down.

Happy Cross Save Day everybody!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by ___FLASHOUT___

I'm not able to select my correct characters. I have both my old PC Battle.net account and my new Xbox account linked to Bungie. But when I go through the cross saving process, I'm not able to select my Xbox characters.

  1. These are both my Xbox and Battlenet accounts linked to Bungie: https://i.imgur.com/mH0Ld7Y.png

  2. When I click "Get Started" I see this: https://i.imgur.com/19PTr0i.png

  3. When I click "Migrate to Steam" I see this: https://i.imgur.com/6bSkeT8.png

  4. When I click "Continue" I see this: https://i.imgur.com/EsVJZ0X.png. Unfortunately those are my old PC characters, which I don't want. I want to migrate my Xbox characters instead.

Oh, so what you're hitting here is that the Cross Save and the PC Migration are two separate things.

The first step, which you're doing, is the PC Migration. That is strictly Blizzard to Steam, (or at least setting it up so it will happen when Shadowkeep goes live).

The second step is to then go back to Cross save, at which point you choose your active characters (in this case, choose XBox) and the others - Steam and the soon-to-be-replaced Blizzard - will become overridden.

Try that out and let me know how that goes!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by WaywardRider1138

Anyone,EdgarVerona? I've attempted to give PSN all the info I had from that time but they can't do jack shit despite me having PHOTOS that show it's linked to both my Bungie account and Spotify.

Ah, unfortunately I don't have any ability to solve that kind of issue - you'll have to hit up Bungie Help. Sorry about that!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Xavier0080

Yeah, I was correct in understanding that silver purchased on PS4 stays on PS4, and stuff I buy with it will connect to my Xbox characters. The confusing part is that that is only future purchases. The existing Silver is connected with characters I'll likely never use again.

Oh well.

Aye, sorry about that. I'm bringing up the way the FAQ is worded to folks in case we can find a more clear way to put it.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by UnderMyCumbrella

And it didn't work. Like what the f**k?! It says it worked on my phones browser (chrome) yet when I load into the game.. It doesn't work at all and just my hunter is there and not my end game characters I have on ps4

Can you give it another shot now? If you have any plugins, applications, special router settings etc that may strip cookies from your requests, make sure those are disabled.

When you get to that last page, make sure it's taking you all the way through the final confirmation step. After you choose accounts, there's one more screen that may potentially look like it's completed, but what it's really doing is trying to show you the final state your accounts will be in once you confirm the change.

If that doesn't work, take a picture of the confirmation page you get to and send me a link to it, along with a link to your bungie.net profile URL and I'll try to take a look in the morning!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by VonDB

Thanks for clarifying, Edgar. I have a question on the same territory. On PC I have just the year one base game + Osiris + Warmind and don’t plan to purchase Forsaken. After Oct 1st will that content be “converted” into New Light? Apparently New Light has more content (e.g.: free roam on all destinations, Forsaken strikes, Gambit) than my current Y1 entitlements.

Just as a heads up, today got... busier than I was expecting... but I just sent a message asking someone about this. I'll reply again once I hear from them!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by nihhtwing

Not OP, but i have a similar issue.

I have enabled cross-save and the migration process. When i go to the cross-save page, it says that my PS4 characters are linked to PS4, Steam and Blizzard. This is what i wanted.

However, when i go to my migration page, it says that i am ready to migrate with my BLIZZARD character (level 16 or so Hunter). This is definitely not what i want and very confusing. I have tried refreshing the page to no avail. Is this a visual bug, or do i need to change something?

Yeah, it's a confusing thing because the two systems don't really know about each other.

The trick is that the act of migrating, when Shadowkeep goes live, is going to be stomping any Steam Destiny Profile you may have (in your case, you won't have one) and replacing it with your existing Blizzard data.

That act of migration happens separate from Cross Save: so when that stomping happens, if your Blizzard characters are already being overridden by Cross Save, then the stomping happens with characters that you no longer see. You will still be playing with whatever characters you chose in cross save both before and after that migration process happens.

The analogy I like to use is to picture each of your linked Platforms as being a container that can potentially hold Destiny characters. If you link a Platform, you don't have to play Destiny on it, but if you do then it may have characters in that container. Similarly, if you Cross Save, you have a single Container that is chosen to be the only one you play with across all platforms: but the original containers (and the characters you played on those platforms) still exist, they're just hidden.

When you migrate, we take the container marked for your Blizzard Destiny Characters - whether they're hidden by Cross Save or not - and force it to become your Steam container, that may also be still hidden by Cross Save.

Hopefully this way of visualizing it helps to clarify what's happening!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by aLiamInvader

It's always session storage, right? 😅

Ha, it's true! In this case, I made what in retrospect was a very foolish decision about where and how to store this information; the implications of which weren't clear until it was being hit in the wild at load. 100% my bad, and a dumb enough mistake that I will not soon forget it the next time I consider it as an option!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by VonDB

Edgar, you are crushing here on Reddit (and at the office too), thank you so much for taking the time to answer this bunch of questions and going above end beyond with the follow up!!! Congrats to you and the team for making today a historic day in the Destiny community. Today I experienced my PS4 guardians on +60fps, 100fov and had a total blast! PC gaming feels so good. Keep rocking!

Sweet, I'm so glad to hear it worked! I've been in a tizzy all day trying to fix bugs that came up once people in the real world started hitting it, phew!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by UnderMyCumbrella

I will try again tomorrow after work and let you know. Gotta get up at 6 am.

Totally understandable!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by VonDB

Oh, and I read the FAQ above once again, based on what I understood, the new “version” of the game will be New Light for everyone, so since I’ll have to download it anyway from Steam, I’ll be covered :)

Ah, good stuff! I've not been following the status of New Light as I probably ought to have, good to know!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

I had negative silver because when I preordered forsaken and the anual pass it gave me negative pre order silver I tried using the ticket system but cant transfer my charachters cause of that negative so I paid it off even tho I never refunded any silver and I still cant cross save please I really want to go to pc cause that's where all my friends are going and I'm the only one not allowed to leave fix this please

We're looking into these issues - can you hit up Bungie Help when you get the opportunity?

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Haxazard

i did cross save but my xbox characters never showed up and since that on my pc destiny 2 i have no characters and forced to start all over again and i cant deactivate cross save due to a 2 week before silver purchase so am i forced to wait 86 cause of it ?

Hit up the Bungie Help forum when you get the chance, and let them know the expected situation and what you ended up seeing.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

I filled a ticket about this issue is there another way you want me to contact bungie help?

Oh, that's perfect - the ticket is ideal! Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by BoogaLechuga

Can confirm had loss of authenticate in only a few seconds errors for 8 straight hours but after fix, it worked flawlessly, surprisingly, through the destiny app on mobile, which nobody mentions as an option.

Sweet! Sorry about the long delay to get here!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

No thank you I'm just glad it's a known issue have a good day you guys are awesome keep up the great work


over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by ___FLASHOUT___

That worked! I was too scared about the 90 day lockout to proceed past that step. Thank you!

Sweet! No problem, glad to be of help!

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by XxDaRkNuK3xX

So I had a character on PS4. I then got a copy of the game free on Blizz last year. I've done the PC Move thing and then I did the Cross Save and put my PS4 character on PC. I then booted up my Blizz copy of the game for the first time. If I make a new character now on Battle.Net, will that character AND my PS4 one that's currently on PC both move to Steam on October 1st?

As long as the Battle.net account you are playing on is the same one which is in your Cross Save setup, you will be able to play your Active characters everywhere, including Steam, after October 1st.

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by Karmas_weapon

Used to play on playstation. Started playing on pc last year. I am using cross save to bring my ps4 account to pc, but I'd like to leave my old ps4 clan and rejoin my pc clan. Clan mate is telling me that there is no option to invite me and my name in the clan is currently greyed out. How do I go about rejoining my clan?

Make sure your friend is inviting your PS4 account to the clan, since that is the account that holds your Active characters. You can leave the clan on Battle.net because that is now an Inactive set of characters.

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by mlecakess

So like we have two xboxes with different sets of characters, we only bought the game once.If one of us sets up cross save will the other person be unable to move theirs as well? Or is it reliant on battle net.

As far as I know, you cannot share the same license across two Battle.net accounts. You could each Cross Save your respective accounts, which would enable you to play the same characters on both platforms. You would still be able to use the same game license in Xbox like you already do now, but for Battle.net you would each need your own license. Remember, on October 1, Destiny 2 will become free, so you'll be able to jump in on Steam for $0!

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by Karmas_weapon

I left my clan on ps4, but I can't find an option to leave my clan on bungie.net. When I click on my profile picture on the top right of the website, I can see that I'm still part of my clan, but I don't see any way to view the clan page where I can leave

Check the Community tab on the main navigation, it should show links to any clans you are in

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by MoldyToblerone

Say you CrossSave from ps4 to pc how am I supposed to join or create a fireteam on the companion app for battle.net when it says psn for my character and won't let me change it as it says "battle.net character required"?

I'm guessing you have an update available, or will soon. The app only recently started getting updates for Cross Save support. Keep checking your app store!

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by r1psy

I'm unsure if I have ruined something... this seems to believe I have no entitlements on Xbox, my primary platform for the last few years with ALL DLC..


I am a little worried..

It is possible for the website to be out of sync when it comes to entitlements. Cross Save does not change your entitlements, so no need to worry about losing any of them. It typically works too log in to Destiny on the platform that is showing incorrectly, then go through the flow again.

over 5 years ago - /u/HelloControl_ - Direct link

Originally posted by artydooty

u/EdgarVerona is it possible to use cross save to transfer characters from one PSN to another PSN?

For example, I sign up for cross save, add my PSN, my XBL, and my Bnet accounts. I choose my PSN characters as those I want to use for cross save.

Can I then replace that original PSN (from which the characters originated) with a PSN and have access to those original PSN characters?

(Basically, I messed up by PSN name change and would love to move my characters to a different PSN.)

No, this is not possible. Cross Save always leaves characters on the accounts on which they were created; it only provides the option to access those characters on other platforms.

over 5 years ago - /u/halcylon - Direct link

Quick PSA to anyone posting about Battle.net and Bungie.net...

Don't use the shorthand "b.net" interchangeably. 😄 We can't tell which you are referring to.


over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by aLiamInvader

Ah, we've all been there. I wondered if it was something stateful like that hurting under load, as I'd managed to verify and then had the server reject it afterwards.



over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeroOfTheRequiem

This will probably sound very stupid, but I normally only frequent this sub. How/where does one submit a ticket for this on the bungie site? Im on the help section and it just looks like a bunch of forums. Im in a similar situation with negative silver, but it was due to making my old ps4 toon my main just to play around with my old titan for a bit, yet when i went to deactivate because I was content and had my fun, I was then locked out with -2300 silver on ps4...?

Ah, good question - yes, the best way to ask for help is to go through the Forums. They're a bit swamped right now, but that's where player support folks can see your report and investigate! I suppose it's not quite a "ticket" - but that's the right place to go.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by MercuryRains

Edgar...I'm hoping you might be able to help me out with this. I may have been half-asleep while trying to set up cross save and it seems my Xbox account became the main account and not the PC account as I had intended. And it won't let me un-link the accounts for 67 days due to a recent silver purchase. Is there any way I can get the active account swapped or the accounts forcibly de-linked from your end? I don't care as much about being able to re-link them now as I am about being able to use my PC characters on Shadowkeep launch.

Ah, unfortunately I can't help with that directly, but I can pass on that folks are experiencing that issue! Accidental pairing is a tough one. Definitely hit the Help forums and post about what happened there as well: the player support folks may be able to provide better advice on this one.

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Scornflakes3301

I click review your setup and nothing happens it just brings me back the start the cross save process is this a problem on your side or mine? I also realised that I would like to link my battle.net account so that I can play over the next month I would have to rebuy but I dont mind of course but is it too late to link, I would need to make a battle.net account to play but I'm not sure that cross save is enabled or not.

Any help appreciated!

Is there any chance that you only linked a single non-Battle.net platform and a Steam platform together?

If so, there's a bug right now where if you only do [SINGLE NON-BATTLENET PLATFORM] + [STEAM] Cross Saving, the act of cross saving doesn't actually happen. In the worst case if that ends up being the actual setup you want, you may have to wait until Steam becomes a playable platform (when Steam goes live) before you can engage Cross Save.

But if you link Battle.net, then it should work fine! And it sounds like you do - and I would advise it, as your purchases for Battle.net specifically will transfer to the linked steam account as soon as Shadowkeep goes live! And it will let you engage with Cross Save right away!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by Outlaw54

Thank you very much for passing this on.

I switched to PC when Destiny 2 launched and I was disappointed that there was no way to link Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 if you were switching platforms. I accomplished a lot in the first game and I would very much like to have my legacy progress through Destiny 2 without having to start over. The cross save is great! I just have done a lot on PC now!

The emblems and triumphs would be nice to have. The veteran dialogue, if it's just a checkbox somewhere in audio options or if I can link a Destiny 1 account again on bungie that allows the dialogue switch would be great.

Does the Destiny 1 progress, triumphs, grimoire scores even exist on the bungie website anymore? Like if Destiny 3 were to come out, would all of the Destiny 2 information be wiped like Destiny 1?

So Destiny 1 progress etc is still available through the API, but we don't have anywhere on the site for it anymore unfortunately. We have a pretty limited amount of resources and people on the Bungie.net team, so we had to make hard choices on what we could maintain going forward and what we couldn't.

The UI in particular is hard to maintain, as we'd have to keep pulling it forward through site redesigns and such. But we found that we were able to keep the info in the API: so while you can't see this info through the site itself, we release it in data format so you can see it on sites like Destiny Tracker and other places who show legacy info (or even grab it yourself if you wanted to make something fun out of your old character! If you play D1, it'll still update too, and you can still do things like transfer items etc... with the old D1 API!)

As far as the future of Destiny 2 or theoretical future Destiny games, I am unfortunately unable to speculate on that!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by artydooty

u/EdgarVerona is it possible to use cross save to transfer characters from one PSN to another PSN?

For example, I sign up for cross save, add my PSN, my XBL, and my Bnet accounts. I choose my PSN characters as those I want to use for cross save.

Can I then replace that original PSN (from which the characters originated) with a PSN and have access to those original PSN characters?

(Basically, I messed up by PSN name change and would love to move my characters to a different PSN.)

Unfortunately we don't have any way to support that scenario!

over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by singlecoilpickup

Hey /u/EdgarVerona - I'm having some issues enabling cross-save, and I think I discovered a potential security issue related to my account. Who is the right party to get in touch with for a resolution?

What are you seeing happen? Feel free to hit me up via direct message if you'd prefer privacy, and send me your profile URL along with the details about what you're seeing!