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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47767

This week at Bungie, something funny happened on the way to Arc Week.

On Tuesday, the celebration of Arc energy began. A sandbox update refreshed Arc subclasses that launched with Destiny 2. Vendors in the Tower invited you to take the changes for a spin through various bounties. The Lost Cryptarch quest has returned for Guardians looking for a direct path to the Thunderlord, which will be available through April 23. If you solved the mystery of the Lost Cryptarch during Festival of the Lost, you too can visit Old Russia again—and be sure to check around the frozen wastes outside the Wall. You may find a few scannables hidden among the rubble.

Shortly after Update 2.2.1 was released, we identified a few rough spots that needed immediate attention. Earlier today, Hotfix went live, addressing the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue where Wavesplitter was being rewarded from Xûr on unintended platforms

    • The weapon will persist in inventory and become available to equip in September 2019
  • Fixed an issue where players could reacquire pinnacle weapons from vendors at no cost

    • Pinnacle weapons may once again be acquired from vendors after their respective quests are completed
  • Fixed an issue where players could have the Sentry perk “Umbral Strike” even when not having the proper amount of Sentry armor equipped

    • Sentry Armor will now grant the appropriate perks in Gambit Prime

Additionally, we are looking intro Arcstrider Supers and their ability to achieve higher-than-intended damage against bosses when mixing certain perks. Until fixed, you may notice bosses in Gambit or other activities being pummeled into the ground by Hunters and their Arc Staffs. We’ll keep you updated on the status of our investigation.

Spring Is in the Air

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The Revelry is almost in bloom. Eva Levante will return to a freshly decorated Tower to celebrate the coming of Spring—and break a few rules in the process. All Guardians in Destiny 2 are invited to visit the Verdant Forest and cause some mayhem during this event.

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If you’re in a mood to throw more grenades, punch more enemies, or wield your class abilities more than usual, Eva will offer the Reveler’s Tonic to reduce the cooldown for each. There will be some awesome new rewards to earn, including the Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle, Arbalest. This thing is as mean as it looks.

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If you want to get up to speed before the Revelry goes live, make sure to read the full description of the event right here on the Bungie Blog.

The Revelry begins April 16 and lasts through the weekly reset on May 7, 2019.

See You at GuardianCon

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Once a year, Guardians invade Florida to attend a legendary event.

You may have heard of it: GuardianCon! Raising millions for charity and serving as a hotbed for community interactions, this is an event you’ll want to attend. We’re sending an away team from Seattle to Orlando, and we're cooking up some fun ideas for what you can get your hands on if you join us.

More info: https://www.guardiancon.co/

Last year, it was an absolute blast to meet so many Guardians from the Destiny community and host the Gambit Invitational. Whether it’s witnessing clan members meeting for the first time, watching the 1v1 Crucible tournament, or just making new friends in the Gambit line, these memories will live for ages to come.

We’re excited for July to come around again, and we hope to see you there. This is our strong recommendation to get your tickets now. We’ll unpack exactly what we have planned for our booth in the weeks to come. Bungie developers will be on site to shake your hand and thank you for being a Guardian. Destiny will be playable. There will be loot.

We’re working on some other fun surprises for the show, and we’ll tell you more about those soon…

Running the Gauntlet

This year marks our sixth anniversary of the Gauntlet Tabletop Fundraiser. On Sunday, May 19, Team Bungie will compete in a tournament against 20 other local gaming studios and tabletop aficionados in order to raise funds for El Centro de la Raza (The Center for People of All Races), a Seattle-based organization that works to build unity across racial and economic sectors and empower the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. Your donations will help them provide after-school programming for low-income middle school students through academic support and social activities. Your donations will also embolden our team with Power Ups that will help us win the tournament! Head to our team’s Donation Page to commit your support on or before May 19! 

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As always, we have some sweet backer rewards to thank you for your efforts:

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  • $50: Receive the exclusive Gauntlet 2019 emblem*
  • $100: The prize above, plus a “Programmer Art” caricature of you—we can’t guarantee it’ll be good, but it will be funny!

    • An email will be sent to donors at the end of the event, no later than Wednesday, May 29, containing a deadline for photo submissions; no photos will be accepted after the deadline has passed
  • $250: All prizes above, plus a 1-hour gameplay session with Bungie employees

    • An email will be sent to donors at the end of the event to request your specific time and date availability
    • We can't reveal secrets or talk about unannounced content, but we can talk about making games, our day-to-day work, what a career path into games looks like, what we feel the best class is, or even debate favorite snacks
  • $500: All prizes above, plus lunch at Bungie with the Gauntlet Tournament participants, followed by a tour of Bungie’s public-facing lobby

    • An email will be sent after the event to provide three dates to choose from throughout the year
    • Travel and accommodations not included
  • $1000: All prizes above, plus a full tour of the studio for you and your fireteam, including onsite Destiny gameplay with Bungie employees, motion capture tour, audio tour, and more

    • An email will be sent after the event to provide three dates to choose from throughout the year
    • Travel and accommodations not included
  • Top 50 Donors: Receive a signed PS4 Destiny 2 Collector’s Edition

    • Ties will be broken by donations received at the earliest date
    • An email will be sent to donors after the event to collect shipping information

*Note: Exact distribution date to be announced to all donors via email after the fundraiser ends

Page Turner

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Today, we’re happy to announce that Cayde’s Six—Part 1 is available at the comics.bungie.net portal for all. Here’s a summary of the story captured in its pages:

"Cayde's Six—Part 1" sets the stage for a showdown between the notorious Hunter Vanguard and the vile Scorned Barons who eventually orchestrated his demise. This is no eulogy. It is adventure. It is action. It is a reminder that, while a hero may be gone, he will always be remembered through the many stories that carve his legend.

Additionally, the Destiny Comic Collection Volume One is available for pre-order on the Bungie Store. Including all previous Destiny comics, this will also feature Cayde’s Six—Part 2, an exclusive Cayde-6 collectible art print, and a bookmark printed with a “Heroes of the Light” emblem code.


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If you’ve been on the #Help forum since Update 2.2.1, you may have encountered a member of Destiny Player Support. They’ve been hammering away at known issues and spreading awareness on the status of our investigations. Today, they have more information on general issues that we’re tracking for future hotfixes and a rundown on some trending issues that have been recently fixed with Update 2.2.1.

This is their report.

Season of the Drifter Known Issues

Destiny Player Support is tracking the latest issues reported by players on the #Help forum. Provided below is a brief overview of the latest known issues in Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter.

  • Lost Cryptarch: We're investigating an issue where players who have a full Pursuits inventory can claim the Lost Cryptarch Thunderlord quest from Amanda Holliday, but it disappears and can't be reclaimed. Players should remove a quest from their Pursuits before picking up this quest, or complete the quest with a second character.
  • Massacre Medals: We're investigating an issue where this medal isn't dropping for players in Gambit Prime.

For the latest known issues as soon as they're available, players should visit the following known issues threads: Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter and PC known issues.

Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1

On Tuesday, April 9, we rolled out Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1 to players. The update introduced new fixes to help resolve issues players reported encountering in the game. Below are a few highlights:

  • Fixed an issue where the Vow could not be infused above 650
  • Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender did not highlight targets while user was invisible
  • Fixed an issue where the Triumph "The Best Offense" was not giving credit for all orbs generated
  • Power Surge Bounties that have expired or been deleted are now available on the Drifter, though each bounty can still be completed only once per character
  • Players who sided with the Vanguard on the Allegiance quest can now also bank Motes in normal Gambit to progress on the Prime Research quest step

Additionally, the weekly lockout reset for Invitations of the Nine has been moved to Thursday reset (1700 UTC); players will now have two extra days to complete them before being locked out of a new Invitation the following Friday. 

For the full list of changes and fixes, please see the Update 2.2.1 Patch Notes.

If you experience issues while playing, let us know about it in the #Help Forum.

What? What?! Wow!

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Are you a Titan?  Do you find yourself giddy with joy when shoulder-charging enemies into oblivion? Is the answer to every problem in your life… your fist? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you may enjoy this week’s winning entry for Movie of the Week.

Movie of the Week: Thunderdome

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Honorable Mention: Why don’t you level up?

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Honorable Mention: Thrown in 2018, landed in 2019

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Honorable Mention: It’s all in your mind

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If you’d like a chance at the Lens of Fate emblem, be sure to submit your footage to the Community Creations portal on bungie.net.

Happy Arc Week. I have a laundry list of things to do to celebrate, starting with an Arc Singe Nightfall. As a Gunslinger main, it’ll be interesting to dabble with the Arcstrider paths for a while. I can’t help but try them out after seeing this awesome community creation.

@Imlerith – Danger! High Voltage!

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See you next week for Revelry! I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but imagine what this tonic tastes like. Fruity? Bitter? Soapy? Maybe… like bread?!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Did I break the bot again?

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Humboldt79

Will Arbalest be available without buying the pass?


almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by dmg04

Did I break the bot again?

I told you to be careful.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by phoenixMagoo

100% busted for me. Night and day difference in DPS and duration. I’m on the ps4...not sure if that matters.

If you have a video, please post it to the #Help forum. We’re looking into a bug where Thorn will prevent damage from CR in some instances. We haven’t been able to repro a shorter duration or lower damage in our tests.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by ScouserSTi

Any news on chaos reach and geomags bugs? u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23

We looked into it with two builds side by side pre and post patch. We weren't able to see any changes to damage outputs from Chaos Reach or reduced super extension from Geo Mags.

There is a bug currently where enemies won't take any damage from Chaos Reach if they were shot by Thorn with Soul Devourer active. That could explain Chaos Reach and Geomags not working right.

I'll let you know if we find out anything else out. If anyone has any videos or additional info, let us know.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Backstreetbackwoods

I call bullshit because this bug affects PS4 as well.

Could you be more specific? What was bullsh*t?

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by airhoppz

Is the team aware of a blink jump bug, where blink sometimes can only get about 1 foot off the ground? u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23

Yes, we are looking into it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by MizterF

I think he is implying that your team might be testing on PC's when the glitch might be tied to framerate and only appear on consoles (like the 1k Voices damage discrepancies between PC/console), so that is why your team can't replicate it.

He is making a lot of assumptions but if you can clarify to clear up the confusion that would be great.

I'll make sure they checked to see if it was console specific or possibly tied to a framerate issue.