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These changes were so unnecessary, you completely killed any fighting chance either of these weapons had. I can’t think of a single time where either of these two guns were meta and now, they have no place at all in this current sandbox. These changes NEED to be reverted.

Edit: the changes were PvE only, these weapons remained unchanged in PvP.

Edit 2: Since I’m seeing a lot of questions about the changes, I’ll go over them here. The changes made it so their damage is reduced when their fire rate increases. In Breakneck’s case, it’s fire rate goes up from 450rpm, 600rpm to 720rpm, before the changes, it’s damage would stay at that of a 450, but now, it’s damage will match one of a 600 rpm and a 720 rpm as it’s own fire rate increases.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Passing this thread along. Thanks for the examples on RPM!