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Like, why would you punish people for trying to experiment with the artifact? I thought bungie wanted us to have player freedom now regarding the artifact. I'm up to somewhere around 60k glimmer now to reset the artifact if i ever need to, and gonna be more if i go on from there. Bungie please fix this.

Extra gripe: Also can you for gods sake remove the artifact mods coming up as "new" in collectibles each time i reset and choose mods from there? It's feels really annoying thank you.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I believe the goal here was to make you feel like you were spec'ing out a build rather than just changing out settings with no weight towards the choices. At the same time, we also wanted to let you try out some of the other choices and not feel stuck with your first decision.

I'll definitely let the team know that the scaling glimmer costs seem too prohibitive and that new mods showing up as "new" each time you reset is annoying.