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Iron Banner is LIVE

"Let the Iron Banner shape you."

~ Saladin Forge


What is the Iron Banner?

  • Iron Banner is a week-long Crucible event in Destiny 2 that offers its participants unique rewards. More info can be read right over at Bungie.net

  • The game mode is an unique variant of Control - Control all three zones, and the Hunt will begin. The zones are locked down for 15 seconds, before they are reset to neutral state.

  • Unlike all other Crucible modes, Power Level matters. Meaning you will deal less and take more damage if you are below the Powerlevel of your opponent.

How Long does Iron Banner last?

  • Event Starts: Tuesday at Weekly Reset (1700 UTC).

  • Event Ends: Following Tuesday at Weekly Reset (1700 UTC).

Where do I go to find Guardians to game with in the Iron Banner?

  • You can head over to /r/Fireteams, www.The100.io, Xbox LFG system, DestinyLFG.net or DestinyLFG.com, or go to the Bungie.net recruitment forum (also available through the Bungie App).

What if I have a question about another piece of armor/weapon or general Iron Banner question?

  • Use Control + F (Or Command + F if on a Mac) and search for keywords in your question. Someone may have asked it already. If they haven't ask right below.

How to earn Iron Banner Tokens

Match Completions:

  • Upon completing an Iron Banner Crucible match, players will be awarded with Iron Banner Tokens to turn in to Lord Saladin. While all Iron Banner match completions award tokens, wins award more tokens than losses.

    • Wins reward 5 Tokens.
    • Losses reward 3 Tokens.

Weekly Bounties:

  • Players may earn additional Iron Banner Tokens by completing the Weekly Iron Banner Bounties. These can be completed on each character.

    • Weekly Bounty Reward - 25 Tokens
    • Each Weekly Bounty also rewards a piece of Powerful Gear.

Available from Lord Saladin:

Lord Saladin oversees the Iron Banner. He appears in the tower, up the stairs to the right of the Gunsmith to bring Guardians Iron Banner based Weapons and Armour.

Faction Rewards

Turn in 20 Tokens to get an Iron Banner engram, which contains randomly rolled armor pieces & weapons of previous seasons.

Items for Sale

Each time, Lord Saladin offers different weapons for sale. The armor remains the same during a season. The ability to buy the offered items is tied to the completion of the associated bounties.

Each Armor piece and weapon costs 15 Legendary Shards & 15 Iron Banner Token.

Item Type Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Perk 4 Unlock Condition
Titan - Hunter - Warlock Class Armor Better Already Special Ammo Finder Complete the bounty "Oath of the Pack."
Titan - Hunter - Warlock Leg Armor Mobility Enhancement Mod - Restorative Mod Pulse Rifle Dexterity Pulse Rifle Scavenger Complete the bounty "Around the Fire."
Titan - Hunter - Warlock Gauntlets Mobility Enhancement Mod - Plasteel Reinforcement Mod Hand Cannon Loader Sniper Rifle Scavenger Complete the bounty "Maneuver Warfare."
Titan - Hunter - Warlock Chest Armor Plasteel Reinforcement Mod - Restorative Mod Unflinching Kinetic Aim Hand Cannon Reserves Complete the bounty "Victory Banners."
Titan - Hunter - Warlock Helmet Plasteel Reinforcement Mod - Restorative Mod Remote Connection Sniper Rifle Reserves Complete the bounty "An Arsenal of Tricks."
Crimil's Dagger Primary Hand Cannon Fastdraw HCS - Crossfire HCS Drop Mag Rangefinder Opening Shot Complete the bounty "Iron Confidence."
Swarm of the Raven Heavy Grenade Launcher Quick Launch Proximity Grenades Threat Detector Quickdraw Complete the bounty "The Rout."

Iron Bounties

Name Description Requirement Reward
Oath of the Pack Defeat opponents while assisted by at least one other teammate. 100 Opponents defeated 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
Around the Fire Capture zones in the Iron Banner playlist. Earn bonus progress for each additional teammate in the zone with you. 100 Zones captured 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
Maneuver Warfare Defeat opponents while your team holds Zone Advantage. Earn bonus progress during the Hunt. 75 Opponents defeated 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
Victory Banners Complete matches in the Iron Banner playlist. Wins award bonus progress. 40 Matches completed 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
An Arsenal of Tricks Defeat opponents with final blows from any ability. Earn bonus progress for Supers and opponents with a higher Power level. 200 Opponents defeated 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
Iron Confidence Defeat opponents with final blows from any weapon. Earn bonus progress for Energy weapons, Power weapons, and opponents with a higher Power level. 250 Opponents defeated 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear
The Rout Defeat opponents in the Iron Banner. Earn bonus progress by landing final blows on opponents with a higher Power level. 250 Opponents defeated 25 Iron Banner Token & Powerful Gear

Additonal Iron Banner Rewards

You have a chance to get randomly rolled Iron Banner gear at the end of matches. This includes all available weapons & armor for the current season.

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Heavy as Death.