over 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Hey there, Guardians. We’re on the hunt for some Destiny 2 hero stories from the community for an upcoming Bungie project. These could be big, epic moments, or smaller things that you always appreciate; things you always go out of your way to do, or something you can count on a friend for.

Did you go flawless in Trials? Defeat Taniks nanoseconds before he wiped you? Solo a Nightfall? Did you watch someone dodge the final blow of a Dungeon boss to rez their whole fireteam? Do you always show Kinderguardians in the wild how to trigger a heroic public event? Or lead them through a Raid, showing them where all the secret chests are? When you visit the Tower, do you make sure you summon the giant ball and bring the fireworks? Or maybe you’re the first to lead a dance party or answer someone’s nagging lore question? Even the little things can stand out for your fireteam (and even strangers). So whatever they are, we’d love to hear your stories and opinions on what can make someone a "hero" in the Destiny universe.

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