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We had a good set to chase after last season and it was earned in-game through the Prophecy Dungeon. Actually it had 2 sets, a reprise of the old Trials armour and the Moonfang set (which I believe is the pursuit armour).

Note how there were no ornament sets purchasable outside events last season. Every set was earned by playing. Hell even the plain solstice glow was earned by grinding with coloured options purchasable after.

Now in Beyond Light/Season of the Hunt we have the standard armour sets from each activity; A raid set, a seasonal set with its ornaments, and the vendor sets strikes/crucible/gambit(which all three are the same but with different paint jobs). This is all expected of those activities and sources. But what I'm not seeing is a set we pursue like described... Instead we have another ornament set put into eververse. Also I don't feel like the raid armour is the aspirational set either, a new raid is expected to have new armour.

Bungie, you can't promise one thing and deliver it merely one time before going back on it. You even stated this was planned for Y4 despite it being only true for the last season of Y3. "Each Season we will deliver an aspirational pursuit for armor. We haven’t done this consistently in Destiny 2."
It's feeling very inconsistent indeed.

I don't like being negative but please... just don't forget about the things you have promised to do...
As for the community, what do you all think? Does the raid armour count as a seasonal pursuit set? or should the current eververse set be earnable in game by doing objectives this season?

Link for reference: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49002

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about 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Quantumriot7

As their list of aspirational activities are trials, raids and dungeons, I believe that the intended one for this season that they consider to be the aspirational armour set would be the deep stone crypt raid set. As it was introduced this season. These armour sets do not need to be tied directly to the season, we saw this with prophecy where the dungeon was free to play, yet was their example of aspirational armour.

Correct. We defined "Aspirational Activities" a little further down in that TWAB as (Raids, Trials, Dungeons)

It's totally fine though to give feedback that you would like to see more armor sets outside of the cited commitment and we will pass along that feedback.