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Loud and clear.

Edit: This bit of sardonic criticism is not meant as a call to revert any changes. Would like a bit more clarification based on some great arguments that were brought up.

Edit 2: I know it isn't the goram weekend you nerfherders! Dylan deserves his weekend but my post is targeted towards those responsible for changes, not those who communicate FOR such people.

Edit 3: This is descending into madness now. I don't want changes reverted, subverted, perverted, or otherwise! I want more than "we changed it cuz we felt we had to". Well why? Arguments were made both for and against it that were well constructed! (Amidst cries of circle-jerk, bad devs are bad, rabble rabble) I want discussions from the people who make this damn game, not just a blog post every week. Dev commentary stream, sandbox team q/a, etc. I know those are difficult cuz salt and time. But they go a long way towards keeping a community appraised. Warframe prime time is one example I recall off the top of my head.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Good morning. I hope you had a good weekend.

We’ll go through the threads today to pull out any new feedback that may have surfaced since Thursday/Friday, and be sure to bring it to the team. If we have any information to share with you, we’ll be sure to! Here’s a quick list (off the top of my head as I’m still at home) of what we have so far:

• Players would like to see Sandbox adjustments more frequently

• When adjustments (nerfs) are made, they’d like smaller changes to occur, so favorite weapons or archetypes don’t feel like they’ve fallen to the bottom of the barrel

• Some bosses feel handcrafted for Snipers, so the upcoming changes feel like they’ll make those encounters much more difficult to approach

• 150 HandCannons feel to be the best in class right now, and players would like more variety

• While AutoRifles got some slight buffs, players would like to see more love

• Scout Rifles continue to feel underwhelming compared to other weapons in PvE and PvP

• Quite a few PvP-centric players appreciate the upcoming changes, but would love to see examples in video form

• What about abilities/armor? (Spoilers - we’ll be talking about those soon!)

We’ve also seen questions surrounding the timing of certain balance passes, and why some outliers stay at the top for so long. Another question would be “why haven’t certain aspects of feedback been addressed after we’ve given it for a while?”

Frankly, I do not have a good answer for that. Could be a lack of prioritization. Could be that player feedback sometimes clashes with usage statistics, or even feedback from other community members. (Ex: Fusion rifle lovers enjoyed going toe to toe with shotguns, but players strongly desired nerfs)

Sometimes, changes are planned for future seasons when we have more time/resources to ensure the changes are made correctly. There’s also sometimes a seasonal tie-in to balancing, so the changes feel more natural to the playspaces you’ll be in or the challenges you’ll face. We can’t necessarily illustrate these scenarios when we share details on the changes (because spoilers!), but we can look to improve these comms as we continue.

We always have room for improvement in the live-game aspects of Destiny, whether it be communication, balancing, narrative, or other. Thank you to everyone who’s given feedback over the years, and thank you to everyone who will continue to as Destiny 2 continues to evolve.