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Seriously, title! I've started to see loads of threads and comments on threads about people getting their inventories full of Umbral engrams. I'm getting like 2-3 per session, the drop-rates are abysmall and I still have TONS of weapons/guns that I want good rolls (and god-rolls) for. I get like 1 Umbral/Hour.

I don't get it, why are you all complaining about getting too many Umbrals? Is it my RNG that is just SO bad that I'm actually getting shafted?

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by theNamelessMidnight

I love them, more shards and chances at exotics. However, the shaders that drop w/ them are annoying

Well, looks like we'll have some good news for you next Tuesday when Destiny 2 Update 2.9.2 drops.

Have some minor changes to Shader drops in the engram. Hope it helps!