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Witch Queen is coming around the corner and we don't know whether Xur's rep will be reset or not but based on the fact that literally every other vendor rep will be reset, I won't take any chances.

This week's legend Dare is: Taken, Cabal, Vex, one of the fastest combos. I have my fastest run around 7:46 min. So go ahead and grind your rank before the next expansion.

Edit: Ship, Ghost shell, Sparrow and Forerunner Catalist all need lv16 rank so remember to grab them as well

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about 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We wont be removing any Xur rep you have accumulated when Season of the Risen launches. It’s currently a one-and-done system consisting of 5 full rank resets. If that ever changes, we will let you know.