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For Season of Risen I played Destiny 2 often but not daily and I'm at almost 300 season level. And I was thinking why the hell did I spend so many hours hoarding bounties on all 3 characters when I could just play normal with the same outcome.

This new season I'm going a different route. I get many people like unlocking Mods quicker and this is just a opinion I was thinking about. Curious if anyone else plans on hoarding bounties or just playing as you go.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Yeah - I think the team has been doing some great work to remove the feeling that it's necessary to "prep" for a new season. I used to keep a couple bounties here and there, even threw on ye olde poptart double XP boosts from years and years ago. End of the day, it just isn't necessary for how much I play.

I understand the perspective of those who want the newest things immediately. End of the day, most folks who frequent reddit, bungie.net, or other social spaces have the majority of rewards or unlocks within a couple of weeks due to their playstyles.

For our more casual crowds, they usually just don't care to prep and play at their leisure. It's pretty fascinating when you dive through feedback (via surveys or summits) from a bunch of different players.

Similar thoughts go towards those who are begging (politely yelling at me) concerning the next Subclass 3.0 reveal. I get it, desire to prep is high and it can be fun to mix/match armor sets. We saw similar feedback over the years around "which bounties are being removed? What EXACT things can I save or do to increase my XP on launch day???" Overwhelming majority of players are just straight up hyped for the season, and will lose their minds when all the goodies (paid season, free subclass update) are revealed. End of the day, these aren't gamebreaking issues or things that derail D2. It's just good feedback around something that we can continue to improve on in the future.

almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Count_Gator

It has been a nice change.

And why you working on a Saturday, man?

Pre-launch excitement, waiting for a couch to be delivered, and the general Saturday morning check to see if a bug was discovered while I was sleeping…

Also I just kind of like this place.