Original Post — Direct link

Original Bungie post below

Hello folks, this will be serving as our ultrathread for today, with links to both Bungie's videos, and all important posts here.

Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49219

June 9 was host to a bunch of announcements and conversations about Destiny 2. We have new content you can play right now and we’re looking out years into the future at where our journey will lead us. All of this has been informed by where we’ve been on this adventure in years past. If you missed any of it, here’s a full rundown of everything we've shown off and talked about today.

Building a Viable Future In Destiny 2

The Future of Destiny 2 - Past is Prologue

Bungie - Working From Home 2020

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Reveal Trailer

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Gameplay Trailer

Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals - Gameplay Trailer

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Season of Arrivals - Prophecy Dungeon - Gameplay Trailer

More Info

Beyond Light Article

Season of Arrivals Article

Support Pages

Beyond Light Support

Season of Arrivals Support

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by swiftstorm86

Yes, if we can go ahead and get this feedback in through /u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04 that the addition of champions - in their current form - to Vault of Glass will be a mostly unpopular addition. Champions as they stand dictate a loadout forcefully in order to deal with them, which is simply an unenjoyable experience all around.

There have been a few threads popping up about alternatives to champions’ current functionality, please speak with the relevant teams about the community’s feelings about the matter!

(Edit: forgot how to grammar for a moment.)

I'll give that feedback about the Champions, thanks. Let us know if you would like these experiences to stay as close to the original as possible, or if you think there should be more changes to make them feel updated and fresh.