Original Post — Direct link

Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51865

Before we dive in, please join us in sending Mara Junot (English voice of Ikora Rey) well wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.

Could use some extra prayers today, family. Currently in the ER, about to be hospitalized. Docs found multiple clots in my lungs. SO incredibly grateful we found out before the flight we were scheduled to get on in just a few hours! 🙏🏾 All positive vibes welcomed.

TY, friends ❤️

— ꓟꓯꓤꓯ JUNOT 🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍⚧️ ˢʰᵉ⁑ᵗʰᵉʸ (@maraJunot) October 26, 2022

This week at Bungie, we’re humming along to a Deep Stone Lullaby. 


Did I scare you? Doubtful, as I’ve tried this trick in a TWAB before. 

Happy Festival of the Lost, Guardians. As tradition, we’ll start with a quick recap of what’s going on in the wild. Headless Ones are roaming Lost Sectors on the hunt for Ghosts, but you’ve already taken up the task of cleaning house. Between a Voltshot roll on the Legendary Mechabre Sniper Rifle or some spicy perks on previous FOTL weapons (Kill Clip BrayTech Werewolf, anyone?), there’s some fun loot to earn, too! We’ve already seen a few gilded Ghost Writers in the Tower, and we can only hope they’re sharing some of the candy they’ve been earning. We’ve also been running some fun fashion and art contests for players. Towards the end of this article, you’ll see a few awesome creations from our players. Up first, let’s get a look at some fun costumes from #ThreadsofFright that players are wearing in-game: 


I am Telesto, here to brake your game (lovingly)#FOTL #FestivalOfLights #Destiny2 #ThreadsofLight #ThreadsofFright @DestinyTheGame @DirtyEffinHippy @A_dmg04 pic.twitter.com/NwMUFMwUOm

— Creamcake Kaida 🔞 (@KaidaMamoru) October 21, 2022

The Dark Side

#ThreadsOfFright Dark Vador pic.twitter.com/ZfQKPC5kt0

— 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓶𝓸𝓴𝓮 (@siscodu01) October 23, 2022

Pyramid Guardian

"Pyramid head"

Silent Hill inspired Warlock#ThreadsOfFright #ThreadsOfLight #Destiny2 #destiny2fashion @DirtyEffinHippy @Cozmo23 @TheSamBartley @A_dmg04 #destinythegame #Destiny @Bungie @DestinyTheGame pic.twitter.com/G4SBuSzoV0

— Ayanosaur 🇵🇱 (@Ayanosaur) October 25, 2022

So, what’s on deck for the TWAB this week? Crafting's on the mind. We have some fun news on deck for next Season, and we’re looking at some long-term goals that the team is planning to execute for Lightfall. We’ll also be discussing some important information around Stadia and Cross Save, followed by Bungie Bounties and a Prime Rewards refresh. 

Let’s get to it!  

Deep Stone Crafting 

Since the addition of weekly featured Raids and Dungeons for pinnacle drops, we’ve seen more players engaging with a variety of raid activities in Destiny 2. While an increase in Power is always exciting, or even the fabled chance at a raid Exotic, we’re taking an opportunity next Season to make your return trips to Beyond Light’s Deep Stone Crypt even more enticing. Starting next season, Legendary Deep Stone Crypt weapons can be crafted!

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Each encounter has a chance to drop a Deepsight version of a raid weapon, and players may purchase one per week from the final chest after defeating Taniks. When Deep Stone Crypt is the featured raid of the week, encounter drops are uncapped! This means you can run a full raid and each encounter multiple times hunting for Deepsight drops.

When it comes to these weapons, there was quite a bit of excitement internally as the team started freshening up the perk pools. We asked one of our resident Sandbox experts, Senior Design Lead Chris Proctor, about their approach: 

Proctor: When updating perk pools on older weapons, our goal is to keep the most beloved combinations and drop the rest to make room for new perks. With Deep Stone Crypt specifically, we looked for new perks that synergize well with the perks that originated with Deep Stone Crypt: Reconstruction, Recombination, and Redirection. (I.e., new perk combinations could look like: Reconstruction + Focused Fury, or Fourth Time's the Charm + Redirection).

We also took the opportunity to add perks to weapons that have never had them before. We’ve created quite a few new perks since Beyond Light shipped, and we’re excited to see how players mix and match for their builds. 

Here are some that I'm personally excited for:  

  • Heritage (Slug Shotgun): Reconstruction + Focused Fury  
  • Posterity (Hand Cannon): Voltshot + Rampage  
  • Trustee (Scout Rifle): Rapid Hit + Incandescent 

Oh, and we took this opportunity to create a new origin trait for the weapons: Bray Inheritance.  

Wait, did Proctor just say that Reconstruction is going to be a crafted trait? Enhance! Owners of Beyond Light can start crafting these awesome raid weapons starting on December 6, 2022. We’ll see you in space next Season, Guardians. 

Lightfall Crafting 

With the excitement around upcoming Deep Stone crafting, we felt this would be a great opportunity to talk about some plans the team is eyeballing for the system overall. When crafting was introduced in The Witch Queen, we were very excited to see how players would engage with the feature. Having a direct path to acquiring a powerful perk or a "godroll" can be a bit risky in a game like Destiny, but we’re happy with how players are taking great advantage of what the system offers. That said, there are aspects that the team is looking to address, not only to help address player feedback, but to improve crafting overall. 

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First, let’s start with some of the pain points that we’d like to address: 

  • Deepsight weapons are far too common, which leads to some confusion over their value and vault stress. 

    • To a new player, it can be difficult to understand which weapons are actually craftable. 
    • To an experienced player, Deepsight weapons commonly end up in the vault simply for future currency, bringing more stress to inventory management. 
  • Deepsight weapons must be equipped for full currency extraction, causing friction with loadouts. 

    • The goal of this was so that the player would try out weapons they normally wouldn't and to make the currency feel earned. 
    • It is also somewhat of a byproduct of our original multi-currency perk system.  
    • While this is nice to have, we’d like for players to want to try new weapons for other reasons, not just to earn crafting currencies. 
  • Farming an encounter like Shuro Chi is a very efficient method for leveling. 

    • While this can be fun for some, it is tedious and provides no useful benefits to the player or encounter. 
    • There are no methods for increasing a weapon's level outside of equipping it. 
  • As mentioned in our Sandbox Q&A, crafted base raid weapons outclass Adept raid weapons. 

    • We want to maintain the value of Adept weapon reward drops from Master raid content.

To address these points, the team is actively working on some changes coming with Lightfall. While these changes are being developed, tested, and finalized, we wanted to share our list of goals and some strategies behind them. 

  • Goal: Reduce Deepsight weapon hoarding. 

    • Strategy: Introduce alternate ways to earn Deepsight currencies. 
  • Goal: Reduce bad luck in weapon recipe unlocking. 

    • Strategy: Provide opportunities within the crafting system to allow users to deterministically choose what weapon to target. 
  • Goal: Reduce loadout stress. 

    • Strategy: Reduce player incentives to equip a suboptimal Deepsight or crafted weapon. 
  • Goal: Improve the value of weapons rewards from Master raid content. 

    • Strategy: As mentioned in the Sandbox Q&A, give the new Lightfall raid Adept weapons access to enhanced perks. (Note that this is not going to be full, freeform crafting).

In the near term, we do want to give players a heads up. Starting in Lightfall, weapons that cannot be crafted will no longer drop with Deepsight. This will help us achieve our goal of reducing Deepsight weapon hoarding and help alleviate some stress on your vaults. Players who currently have these weapons in their inventory should complete their Deepsight objectives and extract their Resonant Elements before February 28 to avoid the loss of Resonant Elements. 

Expect more details around the changes before Lightfall launches in February. 

Stadia and Destiny 2 Update 

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With Google’s recent announcement that Stadia will be shutting down soon, we’ve been working diligently to figure out a solution for our players on that platform. While we don’t yet have a long-term plan, we do have a short one. 

At this time, all players who have their main characters on Stadia should set up Cross Save with another platform so that they don’t lose access to their characters on January 18. Stadia players who enable Cross Save will be able to use their characters on linked platforms after Stadia shuts down.  

If Stadia players don’t set up Cross Save by January 18, they will lose access to their characters, items, emblems, Bungie.net account, and Eververse purchases, such as access to Season Passes. 

After January 18, players with Stadia as their active characters SHOULD NOT deactivate Cross Save for ANY REASON. Doing so will result in a complete loss of characters. 

For information on how to set up Cross Save, please view our Stadia Cross Save Guide

Bungie Bounties

It’s been a while since we’ve challenged you in the ways of old, hasn’t it? No, not in the Prison of Elders, but a good old fashioned Bungie Bounty. For those who may be new around these parts, Bungie Bounties challenge you to find us, or a group of players from our community, and achieve victory in the target activity. If you snag that win? Well, you get a sweet emblem to commemorate your achievement.

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When Bungie Bounties first formed, these primarily took place in PvP activities. For this go, we’re opening the funnel a bit. Starting November 1, we’ll be hosting Bungie Bounties across multiple game modes. Player vs. Player, Player vs. Enemy, and Player vs. Enemy vs. Player. We’ll have a little bit of Crucible, some strikes, some Gambit, and even a bit of Seasonal content for you to engage with. Seeing as though it’s still spooky season, we’re even looking to have some bounties take place in Haunted Lost Sectors. 

Your targets for this Bounty? Well, you may recognize some of them. Since the release of Destiny, we’ve been graced by a group of community volunteers dedicated to helping players in need. Whether you’re hitting some connection issues or looking for workarounds on a given bug, our Community Mentors are ready to help you out in our #Help forums. Their tagline: White Gloves, Gold Standards. We’ll also have a few of our Community Ninjas on the prowl. If you’ve never seen or heard of them, that’s expected. They keep our forums clean by applying the banhammer where applicable. A few of them will be streaming for this Bounty to help you on your hunt, while others will be running through activities solo and under the radar, matching whoever the wind may bring to them. 

Now, let’s get on to the rules and schedule. 


Players must match with a Bungie Bounty target during their timeslot and win or complete the match. 

  • If you are on the same team, you’re tasked with helping our Bounty achieve victory. 
  • If you’re matched against them, you’ll need to try your hardest to defeat them in battle. 
  • If this is a PvE activity, you must complete the activity to be eligible for the emblem. 

Note: Habitually quitting activities during these Bounty timeframes can result in disqualification. Leaving too many matches can also result in your account being suspended from activities.  


We’ve got a bounty of participants from all around the world, so check the time zones to make sure you’re hunting for them at the appropriate time. 

Tuesday, November 1 

Time Platform  Activity  Players 
5:00 AM Pacific(12:00 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * Tuxydoh#0757 
7:00 AM Pacific (14:00 UTC) Any  Ketchcrash   * Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific(16:00 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors  * Tuxydoh#0757 
11:00 AM Pacific(18:00 UTC) Console  Control  * Nomad#3001 
11:00 AM Pacific(18:00 UTC) Any  Ketchcrash  * Pheonix1710#8196 * Spawn#0962 
1:00 PM Pacific (20:00 UTC) Console  Control  * Pobreloko#9880 * Honz#9336 
1:00 PM Pacific(20:00 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * TheHaraamPolice#4199
3:00 PM Pacific(22:00 PM UTC) Console  Control  * Fenibbo#4588 * EZ#9920 * SteelAssassin#2987 
7:00 PM Pacific(2:00 UTC) PC  Control  * Relyks#5610

Wednesday, November 2 

Time Platform Activity Players
3:00 AM Pacific(1000 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * PlainBen#2921 
5:00 AM Pacific(1200 UTC) PC Control * Dimitrious4#1541 
7:00 AM Pacific(1400 UTC) PC Gambit * Tuxydoh#0757 
7:00 AM Pacific(1400 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors  * Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific (1600 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * SirWinnipeck#0712 
11:00 AM Pacific(1800 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * Fraser#6995 
11:00 AM Pacific(1800 UTC) Any  Ketchcrash  * TheVanguardBR#2215 
1:00 PM Pacific(2000 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors  * Luca270999#2352 
3:00 PM Pacific(2200 UTC) Console  Control  * Hometime#3753 
5:00 PM Pacific(0000 UTC) PC  Gambit  * Tchakael#3527 

Thursday, November 3 

Time Platform Activity Players
5:00 AM Pacific(12:00 PM UTC) Any  Ketchcrash  * Tchakael#3527 
7:00 AM Pacific(1400 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific(1600 PM UTC) Any  Ketchcrash  * TravisSCH#1320 
11:00 AM Pacific (1800 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * Fraser#6995 
11:00 AM Pacific(1800 PM UTC) Any  Ketchcrash  * Worrein#9138 
1:00 PM Pacific(2000 PM UTC) PC  Control  * Nomad#3001 
1:00 PM Pacific(2000 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * SonicFusion#0687 
3:00 PM Pacific(2200 PM UTC) Console  Control  * Honz#9336 
3:00 PM Pacific(2200 PM UTC) Any  Expedition  * YapperFlapper#6931 
5:00 PM Pacific(0000 AM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops  * Spawn#0962 

We’re excited to light the Bounty beacons once more. Stay tuned for further announcements! 

I Challenge You to a Duel – Prime Gaming Update 

Ah, it’s a wonderful time of month. Here in the States, the leaves are falling, rain has returned, and I’m searching my house for gloves to keep my hands warm. With our Prime Gaming rewards update, we have a fun emote for you that includes a glove of sorts. Not for comfort, but to challenge your friends (or enemies) to a quick battle. If that battle goes sideways? Well, don’t worry – we've got a Ghost for your resurrection and a ship and Sparrow for you to high-tail it out of the fray. 

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  • Concentric Dawn Exotic Sparrow 
  • Woomera B-5 Exotic Ship 
  • Adonis Exotic Ghost 
  • Duel Legendary Emote 

If you haven’t yet signed up for Prime Gaming, we highly recommend it! There are quite a few perks they have for you, including some monthly cosmetic rewards with Destiny 2. Check out our guide for more details. 

Crow Deserves some Candy

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There have been some spooky bugs popping up with Festival of the Lost. Spectral Pages gone missing, deceased weapons rising from the grave, and more. Player Support has the latest on what’s been fixed and what we’re still trying to exorcise from the game.  

This is their report. 

Known Issues List  |  Help Forums  |  Bungie Help Twitter 


Players still having issues converting their Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages should ensure that they: 

  • Obtain the Gone but Not Forgotten quest from Eva Levante in the Tower. 
  • Are wearing the Masquerader’s Helm with a Festival Mask. 
  • Have at least three free spaces in their character’s inventory. 
  • Have Spectral Pages in their inventory prior to entering the Haunted Sectors playlist. 

If Spectral Pages aren’t converting into Manifested Pages after confirming the above, players may need to: 

  • Clear their console or PC game cache. 
  • Complete a strike. 
  • Obtain more Spectral Pages. 

Complete a Haunted Lost Sector (Note that not all Spectral Pages will convert into Manifested Pages). 


Next Tuesday, November 1, Destiny 2 Hotfix will be released. View our Destiny Server and Update Status page for maintenance times, as well as the timeline below (all times are Pacific):     

  • 9 AM PDT: Destiny 2 maintenance begins.  
  • 9:45 AM: Destiny 2 is brought offline.  
  • 10 AM: Destiny 2 Hotfix will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.  
  • 11 AM: Destiny 2 maintenance completes.  


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum

  • Certain shaders may apply textures incorrectly to pieces of the Festival of the Lost mech-themed armor sets. Once resolved these shaders may display differently on the armor sets. 
  • The Sundered Flesh shader applies coloring inconsistently across gear. 
  • A Season 16 emblem dropped from Week 10’s Intended Authority Seasonal Challenge. 
  • The “All Pages Manifested” message appears for all players upon entering a Haunted Lost Sector. This message is not accurate and should only appear upon completion of a Haunted Lost Sector. Players are not losing any Pages when this message appears. 
  • The source of the Retrograde Tourer Exotic ship is inaccurate. 

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum

Spooky Scary Oryx-ton 

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Hippy: It’s Spooky Scary Skeleton season in Destiny 2. Enough said. Oh, and a bonus MOTW because the debate is real. 

Movie of the Week: Spooky Scary Oryx-ton 

Video Link

Sam: When it comes to this time of year, I really am quite a scaredy cat about anything spooky or creepy or alarming, but this was a really cool spin on storytelling that we think you might enjoy!  

Movie of the Week: So hungry  

Headphones on, volume up for this spooky #destiny2 video. Thanks to @notoklauren for the VA, she did great! #destiny2lore #MOTW @Cozmo23 pic.twitter.com/J15wFhwJjs

— Gondola (@GondolaChills) October 25, 2022

B-b-b-bonus: The great Mechabre Debate 


with @AscendantNomad pic.twitter.com/euwoxd9xlb

— Lego ⚡️ (@legoleflash) October 24, 2022

Happy Hall Between! 

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Bruno: So, it's that time of the year again! We wear amazing masks, collect tons of sweet candy, and put those spooky Headless Ones down for some loot (I love the new Mek-uh-ber Sniper Rifle). And we also listen to the awesome banter between Eido, Glint, and Drifter. Don't you love how innocent and sweet Eido and Glint are? And don't you love how creepy and good with nicknames uncle Drifter is? Because I do.  

Art of the Week: Tales from the Haul

"You best start believing in ghost stories. You're in one!"

Glint and Drifter telling ghost stories to Eido for her first Festival of the lost. Went for a pulp horror comic vibe.#AOTW #Destiny2Art #FOTL @Bungie @DestinyTheGame @A_dmg04 @DirtyEffinHippy @TheSamBartley pic.twitter.com/jfboW4o71a

— MetaWorks (Comms Open) (@MetaWorks818) October 21, 2022

Ivan: Smallens attack… And they do it with their only weapon, which is cuteness. I’d give away all my candy to such a beautiful crowd. 

Art of the Week: Happy Festival of the Lost, Eido and the House of Light! 

Happy Festival of the Lost, Eido and the House of Light!🎃🎃#Destiny2 #Destiny2Art #AOTW @BNG_Ivan @A_dmg04 @DirtyEffinHippy @DestinyTheGame @DestinyGameRU pic.twitter.com/GBDoaMfLRF

— Alikamoon (@AlikamoonArt) October 22, 2022

And More Art of the Week: Titan – Mint condition 9.0 

Get your own Titan-777 Gundam Guardian right now![#Destiny2](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Destiny2?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) #ThreadsOfFright #AOTW #FOTL@DestinyTheGame @DestinyGameUK @DirtyEffinHippy @Cozmo23 @_Timonx25 @TheSamBartley @A_dmg04 @BrunoLouviers pic.twitter.com/qhqaJR3fl7

— ً (@Eclipsii) October 24, 2022

And even More Art of the Week: Cutest pumpkin I've ever seen 

🎃 pic.twitter.com/NydJXDmqYp

— 스푸낑 | spookking (@kking_draws) October 20, 2022

OK, one more Art of the Week: Nyan Cat go weeee 

nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow nyan cat sparrow pic.twitter.com/WUZT6qt9FZ

— 👻🎃UndeaDTM🎃👻 (@destiny_thememe) October 23, 2022

And the last AOTW, I promise: Colonelhead, ready for deployment 

TITAN、大地に立つ!![#Destiny2](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Destiny2?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) #Destiny2Art #AOTW #FestivalOfTheLost pic.twitter.com/rILGi52ebr

— kiki (@sky_kiki77) October 21, 2022

Long Time No TWAB 

It’s been a while since I had the pleasure of writing one of these. It’s always a thrill to dive in just a bit deeper with what’s coming to Destiny and what the team is excited about. Make no mistake, these are honestly written by a good sized group of folks here at Bungie. Subject matter experts, editors, localizers, asset creators, and so many more. Some TWABs may be brief, and some may be massive, but each one is authored with the same amount of love. Thanks for stopping by for another blog installment. 

Until next time, I’ll be dreaming of a fully crafted Trustee. Which DSC weapon are you most looking forward to? Holler at us in the comments. 



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over 2 years ago - A_dmg04 - Direct link
Before we dive in, please join us in sending Mara Junot (English voice of Ikora Rey) well wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.

This week at Bungie, we’re humming along to a Deep Stone Lullaby. 


Did I scare you? Doubtful, as I’ve tried this trick in a TWAB before. 
Happy Festival of the Lost, Guardians. As tradition, we’ll start with a quick recap of what’s going on in the wild. Headless Ones are roaming Lost Sectors on the hunt for Ghosts, but you’ve already taken up the task of cleaning house. Between a Voltshot roll on the Legendary Mechabre Sniper Rifle or some spicy perks on previous FOTL weapons (Kill Clip BrayTech Werewolf, anyone?), there’s some fun loot to earn, too! We’ve already seen a few gilded Ghost Writers in the Tower, and we can only hope they’re sharing some of the candy they’ve been earning. We’ve also been running some fun fashion and art contests for players. Towards the end of this article, you’ll see a few awesome creations from our players. Up first, let’s get a look at some fun costumes from #ThreadsofFright that players are wearing in-game: 
Created by: Kaida
The Dark Side Pyramid Guardian
So, what’s on deck for the TWAB this week? Crafting's on the mind. We have some fun news on deck for next Season, and we’re looking at some long-term goals that the team is planning to execute for Lightfall. We’ll also be discussing some important information around Stadia and Cross Save, followed by Bungie Bounties and a Prime Rewards refresh. 
Let’s get to it!  

Deep Stone Crafting 

Since the addition of weekly featured Raids and Dungeons for pinnacle drops, we’ve seen more players engaging with a variety of raid activities in Destiny 2. While an increase in Power is always exciting, or even the fabled chance at a raid Exotic, we’re taking an opportunity next Season to make your return trips to Beyond Light’s Deep Stone Crypt even more enticing. Starting next season, Legendary Deep Stone Crypt weapons can be crafted!
Each encounter has a chance to drop a Deepsight version of a raid weapon, and players may purchase one per week from the final chest after defeating Taniks. When Deep Stone Crypt is the featured raid of the week, encounter drops are uncapped! This means you can run a full raid and each encounter multiple times hunting for Deepsight drops.
When it comes to these weapons, there was quite a bit of excitement internally as the team started freshening up the perk pools. We asked one of our resident Sandbox experts, Senior Design Lead Chris Proctor, about their approach: 
Proctor: When updating perk pools on older weapons, our goal is to keep the most beloved combinations and drop the rest to make room for new perks. With Deep Stone Crypt specifically, we looked for new perks that synergize well with the perks that originated with Deep Stone Crypt: Reconstruction, Recombination, and Redirection. (I.e., new perk combinations could look like: Reconstruction + Focused Fury, or Fourth Time's the Charm + Redirection).
We also took the opportunity to add perks to weapons that have never had them before. We’ve created quite a few new perks since Beyond Light shipped, and we’re excited to see how players mix and match for their builds. 
Here are some that I'm personally excited for:  
      • Heritage (Slug Shotgun): Reconstruction + Focused Fury  
      • Posterity (Hand Cannon): Voltshot + Rampage  
      • Trustee (Scout Rifle): Rapid Hit + Incandescent 

Oh, and we took this opportunity to create a new origin trait for the weapons: Bray Inheritance.  

Wait, did Proctor just say that Reconstruction is going to be a crafted trait? Enhance! Owners of Beyond Light can start crafting these awesome raid weapons starting on December 6, 2022. We’ll see you in space next Season, Guardians.   

Lightfall Crafting 

With the excitement around upcoming Deep Stone crafting, we felt this would be a great opportunity to talk about some plans the team is eyeballing for the system overall. When crafting was introduced in The Witch Queen, we were very excited to see how players would engage with the feature. Having a direct path to acquiring a powerful perk or a "godroll" can be a bit risky in a game like Destiny, but we’re happy with how players are taking great advantage of what the system offers. That said, there are aspects that the team is looking to address, not only to help address player feedback, but to improve crafting overall. 

First, let’s start with some of the pain points that we’d like to address: 
  • Deepsight weapons are far too common, which leads to some confusion over their value and vault stress. 
      • To a new player, it can be difficult to understand which weapons are actually craftable. 
      • To an experienced player, Deepsight weapons commonly end up in the vault simply for future currency, bringing more stress to inventory management. 
  • Deepsight weapons must be equipped for full currency extraction, causing friction with loadouts. 
      • The goal of this was so that the player would try out weapons they normally wouldn't and to make the currency feel earned. 
      • It is also somewhat of a byproduct of our original multi-currency perk system.  
      • While this is nice to have, we’d like for players to want to try new weapons for other reasons, not just to earn crafting currencies. 
  • Farming an encounter like Shuro Chi is a very efficient method for leveling. 
      • While this can be fun for some, it is tedious and provides no useful benefits to the player or encounter. 
      • There are no methods for increasing a weapon's level outside of equipping it. 
  • As mentioned in our Sandbox Q&A, crafted base raid weapons outclass Adept raid weapons. 
      • We want to maintain the value of Adept weapon reward drops from Master raid content.

To address these points, the team is actively working on some changes coming with Lightfall. While these changes are being developed, tested, and finalized, we wanted to share our list of goals and some strategies behind them. 
  • Goal: Reduce Deepsight weapon hoarding. 
      • Strategy: Introduce alternate ways to earn Deepsight currencies. 
  • Goal: Reduce bad luck in weapon recipe unlocking. 
      • Strategy: Provide opportunities within the crafting system to allow users to deterministically choose what weapon to target. 
  • Goal: Reduce loadout stress. 
      • Strategy: Reduce player incentives to equip a suboptimal Deepsight or crafted weapon. 
  • Goal: Improve the value of weapons rewards from Master raid content. 
      • Strategy: As mentioned in the Sandbox Q&A, give the new Lightfall raid Adept weapons access to enhanced perks. (Note that this is not going to be full, freeform crafting).

In the near term, we do want to give players a heads up. Starting in Lightfall, weapons that cannot be crafted will no longer drop with Deepsight. This will help us achieve our goal of reducing Deepsight weapon hoarding and help alleviate some stress on your vaults. Players who currently have these weapons in their inventory should complete their Deepsight objectives and extract their Resonant Elements before February 28 to avoid the loss of Resonant Elements. 
Expect more details around the changes before Lightfall launches in February. 

Stadia and Destiny 2 Update 

With Google’s recent announcement that Stadia will be shutting down soon, we’ve been working diligently to figure out a solution for our players on that platform. While we don’t yet have a long-term plan, we do have a short one. 
At this time, all players who have their main characters on Stadia should set up Cross Save with another platform so that they don’t lose access to their characters on January 18. Stadia players who enable Cross Save will be able to use their characters on linked platforms after Stadia shuts down.  
If Stadia players don’t set up Cross Save by January 18, they will lose access to their characters, items, emblems, Bungie.net account, and Eververse purchases, such as access to Season Passes. 
After January 18, players with Stadia as their active characters SHOULD NOT deactivate Cross Save for ANY REASON. Doing so will result in a complete loss of characters. 
For information on how to set up Cross Save, please view our Stadia Cross Save Guide.   

Bungie Bounties

It’s been a while since we’ve challenged you in the ways of old, hasn’t it? No, not in the Prison of Elders, but a good old fashioned Bungie Bounty. For those who may be new around these parts, Bungie Bounties challenge you to find us, or a group of players from our community, and achieve victory in the target activity. If you snag that win? Well, you get a sweet emblem to commemorate your achievement.
When Bungie Bounties first formed, these primarily took place in PvP activities. For this go, we’re opening the funnel a bit. Starting November 1, we’ll be hosting Bungie Bounties across multiple game modes. Player vs. Player, Player vs. Enemy, and Player vs. Enemy vs. Player. We’ll have a little bit of Crucible, some strikes, some Gambit, and even a bit of Seasonal content for you to engage with. Seeing as though it’s still spooky season, we’re even looking to have some bounties take place in Haunted Lost Sectors. 
Your targets for this Bounty? Well, you may recognize some of them. Since the release of Destiny, we’ve been graced by a group of community volunteers dedicated to helping players in need. Whether you’re hitting some connection issues or looking for workarounds on a given bug, our Community Mentors are ready to help you out in our #Help forums. Their tagline: White Gloves, Gold Standards. We’ll also have a few of our Community Ninjas on the prowl. If you’ve never seen or heard of them, that’s expected. They keep our forums clean by applying the banhammer where applicable. A few of them will be streaming for this Bounty to help you on your hunt, while others will be running through activities solo and under the radar, matching whoever the wind may bring to them. 
Now, let’s get on to the rules and schedule. 
Rules  Players must match with a Bungie Bounty target during their timeslot and win or complete the match. 
  • If you are on the same team, you’re tasked with helping our Bounty achieve victory. 
  • If you’re matched against them, you’ll need to try your hardest to defeat them in battle. 
  • If this is a PvE activity, you must complete the activity to be eligible for the emblem. 

Note: Habitually quitting activities during these Bounty timeframes can result in disqualification. Leaving too many matches can also result in your account being suspended from activities.  
Schedule  We’ve got a bounty of participants from all around the world, so check the time zones to make sure you’re hunting for them at the appropriate time. 

Tuesday, November 1 
Time Platform  Activity  Players 
5:00 AM Pacific (12:00 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • Tuxydoh#0757 
7:00 AM Pacific 
(14:00 UTC)
Any  Ketchcrash  
  • Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific (16:00 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors 
  • Tuxydoh#0757 
11:00 AM Pacific (18:00 UTC) Console  Control 
  • Nomad#3001 
11:00 AM Pacific (18:00 UTC) Any  Ketchcrash 
1:00 PM Pacific  (20:00 UTC) Console  Control 
1:00 PM Pacific (20:00 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • TheHaraamPolice#4199
3:00 PM Pacific (22:00 PM UTC) Console  Control 
  • Fenibbo#4588 
  • EZ#9920 
  • SteelAssassin#2987 
7:00 PM Pacific (2:00 UTC) PC  Control 
  • Relyks#5610

Wednesday, November 2 
Time Platform Activity Players
3:00 AM Pacific (1000 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • PlainBen#2921 
5:00 AM Pacific (1200 UTC) PC Control
  • Dimitrios4#1541 
7:00 AM Pacific
(1400 UTC)
PC Gambit
  • Tuxydoh#0757 
7:00 AM Pacific (1400 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors 
  • Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific  (1600 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • SirWinnipeck#0712 
11:00 AM Pacific (1800 UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • Fraser#6995 
11:00 AM Pacific (1800 UTC) Any  Ketchcrash 
1:00 PM Pacific (2000 UTC) Any  Haunted Lost Sectors 
  • Luca270999#2352 
3:00 PM Pacific (2200 UTC) Console  Control 
5:00 PM Pacific (0000 UTC) PC  Gambit 

Thursday, November 3 
Time Platform Activity Players
5:00 AM Pacific (12:00 PM UTC) Any  Ketchcrash 
7:00 AM Pacific (1400 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • Eriana#5864 
9:00 AM Pacific (1600 PM UTC) Any  Ketchcrash 
  • TravisSCH#1320 
11:00 AM Pacific  (1800 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
  • Fraser#6995 
11:00 AM Pacific (1800 PM UTC) PC Ketchcrash 
1:00 PM Pacific (2000 PM UTC) PC  Control 
  • Nomad#3001 
1:00 PM Pacific (2000 PM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 
3:00 PM Pacific (2200 PM UTC) Console  Control 
3:00 PM Pacific (2200 PM UTC) Any  Expedition 
  • YapperFlapper#6931 
5:00 PM Pacific (0000 AM UTC) Any  Vanguard Ops 

We’re excited to light the Bounty beacons once more. Stay tuned for further announcements!   

I Challenge You to a Duel – Prime Gaming Update 

Ah, it’s a wonderful time of month. Here in the States, the leaves are falling, rain has returned, and I’m searching my house for gloves to keep my hands warm. With our Prime Gaming rewards update, we have a fun emote for you that includes a glove of sorts. Not for comfort, but to challenge your friends (or enemies) to a quick battle. If that battle goes sideways? Well, don’t worry – we've got a Ghost for your resurrection and a ship and Sparrow for you to high-tail it out of the fray. 
  • Concentric Dawn Exotic Sparrow 
  • Woomera B-5 Exotic Ship 
  • Adonis Exotic Ghost 
  • Duel Legendary Emote 

If you haven’t yet signed up for Prime Gaming, we highly recommend it! There are quite a few perks they have for you, including some monthly cosmetic rewards with Destiny 2. Check out our guide for more details.   

Crow Deserves some Candy

There have been some spooky bugs popping up with Festival of the Lost. Spectral Pages gone missing, deceased weapons rising from the grave, and more. Player Support has the latest on what’s been fixed and what we’re still trying to exorcise from the game.  
This is their report. 
Known Issues List  |  Help Forums  |  Bungie Help Twitter 
Players still having issues converting their Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages should ensure that they: 
  • Obtain the Gone but Not Forgotten quest from Eva Levante in the Tower. 
  • Are wearing the Masquerader’s Helm with a Festival Mask. 
  • Have at least three free spaces in their character’s inventory. 
  • Have Spectral Pages in their inventory prior to entering the Haunted Sectors playlist. 

If Spectral Pages aren’t converting into Manifested Pages after confirming the above, players may need to: 
  • Clear their console or PC game cache. 
  • Complete a strike. 
  • Obtain more Spectral Pages. 

Complete a Haunted Lost Sector (Note that not all Spectral Pages will convert into Manifested Pages). 
Next Tuesday, November 1, Destiny 2 Hotfix will be released. View our Destiny Server and Update Status page for maintenance times, as well as the timeline below (all times are Pacific):     
  • 9 AM PDT: Destiny 2 maintenance begins.  
  • 9:45 AM: Destiny 2 is brought offline.  
  • 10 AM: Destiny 2 Hotfix will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.  
  • 11 AM: Destiny 2 maintenance completes.  

While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum
  • Certain shaders may apply textures incorrectly to pieces of the Festival of the Lost mech-themed armor sets. Once resolved these shaders may display differently on the armor sets. 
  • The Sundered Flesh shader applies coloring inconsistently across gear. 
  • A Season 16 emblem dropped from Week 10’s Intended Authority Seasonal Challenge. 
  • The “All Pages Manifested” message appears for all players upon entering a Haunted Lost Sector. This message is not accurate and should only appear upon completion of a Haunted Lost Sector. Players are not losing any Pages when this message appears. 
  • The source of the Retrograde Tourer Exotic ship is inaccurate. 

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum

Spooky Scary Oryx-ton 


Hippy: It’s Spooky Scary Skeleton season in Destiny 2. Enough said. Oh, and a bonus MOTW because the debate is real. 
Movie of the Week: Spooky Scary Oryx-ton 

Sam: When it comes to this time of year, I really am quite a scaredy cat about anything spooky or creepy or alarming, but this was a really cool spin on storytelling that we think you might enjoy!  
Movie of the Week: So hungry  

B-b-b-bonus: The great Mechabre Debate 

Happy Hall Between! 


Bruno: So, it's that time of the year again! We wear amazing masks, collect tons of sweet candy, and put those spooky Headless Ones down for some loot (I love the new Mek-uh-ber Sniper Rifle). And we also listen to the awesome banter between Eido, Glint, and Drifter. Don't you love how innocent and sweet Eido and Glint are? And don't you love how creepy and good with nicknames uncle Drifter is? Because I do.  
Art of the Week: Tales from the Haul

Ivan: Smallens attack… And they do it with their only weapon, which is cuteness. I’d give away all my candy to such a beautiful crowd. 
Art of the Week: Happy Festival of the Lost, Eido and the House of Light! 

And More Art of the Week: Titan – Mint condition 9.0 

And even More Art of the Week: Cutest pumpkin I've ever seen 

OK, one more Art of the Week: Nyan Cat go weeee 

And the last AOTW, I promise: Colonelhead, ready for deployment 

Long Time No TWAB 

It’s been a while since I had the pleasure of writing one of these. It’s always a thrill to dive in just a bit deeper with what’s coming to Destiny and what the team is excited about. Make no mistake, these are honestly written by a good sized group of folks here at Bungie. Subject matter experts, editors, localizers, asset creators, and so many more. Some TWABs may be brief, and some may be massive, but each one is authored with the same amount of love. Thanks for stopping by for another blog installment. 

Until next time, I’ll be dreaming of a fully crafted Trustee. Which DSC weapon are you most looking forward to? Holler at us in the comments. 
Cheers,  dmg04 
over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Giecio

Deepsight weapons are far too common

Sure they are, I totally have all the patterns unlocked for all the current and previous season guns. /s

This is to say that Deepsight weapons in general are too common - specifically deepsight versions of weapons you can't craft. As noted in the TWAB, new players can be overwhelmed with deepsight versions of numerous of guns that can't even be crafted.

Also noted in a bullet below that one, "Goal: Reduce bad luck in weapon recipe unlocking.
Strategy: Provide opportunities within the crafting system to allow users to deterministically choose what weapon to target. "

over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Voelker58

They had me at Trustee with Incandescent.


over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by ucfengineer725

I imagine it's a matter of bandwidth. The weapons team has to keep working forward on each new season's weapons, so they can probably only sneak in an extra project here and there.

Just my guess.

Pretty much this.

The goal isn't to drip feed, but rather to give some nice incentives to hop into older content. There will be new things to do at the same time (as it's a new season launch), but this can be a side-objective for some as they complete their quests through the season. "Ah, looks like I'm done with the story for this week. Want to hit DSC? Really want to get that Handcannon crafted!"

Team was excited to update these. Hell, I'm excited to see more LFG posts for DSC pop up. Hope y'all enjoy diving back in.