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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51210

This week at Bungie, it’s Mechs vs Monsters... evolved! 

It’s officially been over a month since The Witch Queen launched. Savathûn has been defeated. Rhulk dished out some literal kicks to the face in Vow of the Disciple. Worms have been launched, weapons have been crafted, and Guardians have dug deep into the Seasonal story. We had an accolades trailer released this week with some fun quotes about the experience of playing the expansion. We’re proud of where The Witch Queen landed, and we’re ever-thankful to all who jumped in to play. 

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Don’t get us wrong, the train doesn’t stop with some nice quotes about the game! The future is bright, and we have work to do as we reach further into the stars. Season of [REDACTED] is just a couple of months out, and the team is hard at work tying down work items and jamming through test passes.  Once we get a little deeper into the Season, we’ll start talking about what’s to come in sandbox updates, general quality-of-life passes, and more. We have a few beats on our calendar to hit before then, spread between Grandmasters, Gambit Labs, Trials Labs, and Guardian Games. Next week is a bit packed, so we’re spending some time this week breaking it down. First up, we have a fun community vote to discuss... 

Mechs vs Monsters Evolved 

While we’re just reaching spring, it’s already time for us to start thinking about fall on the development team. We all had a great deal of fun last year with our first armor set community vote: Dinosaurs vs Monsters. Truth be told, we didn’t know what to expect! After 200,000 votes were cast, Team Dino won with 81% of the vote. We’ll always look back fondly at the wave of memes and fun that came, but it’s time to look forward... to Festival of the Lost 2022! 

This year, we’re hosting our second community vote. #TeamMechs vs #TeamMonsters is about to begin. Players will have the opportunity to vote for a featured armor ornament set in the Eververse, available to earn with Bright Dust or purchase with Silver. Anyone who casts a vote for either set and has played since 2/22/22 will qualify for a unique in-game emblem to celebrate participation. 

Monsters are clawing back. After a long soak in some radioactive waste, they seem to have... evolved?! Emerging once more from the caves, lagoons, and spoiled oceans of our world, monsters are looking to make a comeback this year. Dinos, you may have won last year, but watch your backs. These monsters may be coming for you if they secure the win. 

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Mechs have entered the fight. Guardians are all about protecting humanity, but sometimes they need a little extra armor when engaging in battle against what some would call monsters hiding in the darkness of other worlds. Mobile suits aren’t just for cancelling the apocalypse, mind you. They’re also for show. 

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So, how’s this going to work? 

  • March 31 – April 6: Ensure you’ve signed up for emails from Bungie!*. 

    • Make sure to link your PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Steam, Stadia, or Twitch account credentials to your Bungie.net profile. 
    • Visit the Account Settings page. 
    • Click on “Notifications and Email.” 
    • Enter your preferred email address to receive Bungie communications. 
  • April 7 – April 13: Polls open. 

    • Watch your emails for your chance to vote. 
  • April 13: Polls close. 

  • April 19: The Broken Barriers emblem is distributed to all players who voted. 

  • TBD: Winners announced. 

*For players who are subscribed to newsletters and have been active since The Witch Queen but not getting any Bungie emails, we advise providing a new email address and going through the verification process on your Bungie.net profile.

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We’ll also be keeping an eye out for fun community art. The amount of memes and killer artwork that we saw last year continues to impress, and we’re excited to see what you cook up this year! If you’re inspired by the concepts above and want to rally others to vote for your favorite, make sure to tag any of your creations with #TeamMechs or #TeamMonsters and #Destiny2Art as you share them! We’ll be pulling submissions for future Art of the Week sections. 

Cheers to all who vote, and let the best set win! 

Last Call: Unbroken 

Survival is the name of the game when it comes to our competitive Crucible playlist. We offer Powerful rewards to players who take on the challenge each Season as they reach for the Power cap, alongside a slew of Triumphs to earn. For those who wish to display their Crucible mastery, we offer the Unbroken Seal and Title. It takes three full Seasons of reaching Legend in the competitive playlist, alongside other Triumph requirements, to earn the Unbroken Seal. This week, we have a short update from the development team on future availability of this Seal. 

Dev Team: For the Season 19 release, we are taking a pass on Glory and how players engage with it in the Crucible. What playlists offer Glory? How do players earn it? What does “becoming legend” look like? While we can’t answer any of these questions just yet, we wanted to plant a flag in the sand for the timeframe. 

As part of our updates for Glory, the Unbroken Seal and Title will be retired. Due to the multi-Season requirements of ‘Glory (Reach Legend three Seasons in a row), Season 16 (i.e., right now) will be the last Season for players to start their journey to Unbroken. As such, we wanted to keep players informed on our plans. 

Currently, the Unbroken Seal requirements are significantly more time consuming than any other Seal, and we would like to bring it into line with the other Seals. Players who attain the Seal prior to its retirement will still be able to display it, including a gilding count. 

We are intending on replacing it with a similarly challenging Crucible Seal – just with less required multi-Season commitment. We will have more information on that as we get closer to Season 19. 

So, if you’re just starting your march towards the Unbroken title, now is the time to get your Legend ranks completed in the competitive playlist. We’ll have reminders each Season to keep players informed and will provide updates on our future Crucible plans over the next few Seasons. 

In the short term, we do have another title coming to the Crucible. We know you’re howling for a bit more information but expect additional details on that when we get closer to next season. 

A Week for Rituals 

Next week, we have quite a bit going on in the ritual game of Destiny 2. Grandmaster Nightfalls make their first appearance of the Season, along with our first Gambit Labs week! If that’s not enough, we also have Trials: Freelance taking place  next weekend, so there’s something for everyone. 

Grandmasters of the Universe, Season of the Risen Edition 

On Tuesday, April 5, Grandmaster Nightfalls will make their return to Destiny 2. For those that may not have taken on a Grandmaster Nightfall before, this activity is the top of the mountain when it comes to strike content. Here’s a quick breakdown: 

  • Grandmasters require a total of 1575 Power, so you’ll want to maximize your Pinnacle Power and get some bonus Seasonal Artifact Power before taking on the challenge. 
  • Combatants can take more hits, deal more damage, and are far more aggressive. 
  • Champions will appear in many encounters, so be sure to work with your team as you build your loadouts. 
  • Revives are limited, so you’ll want to be careful and strategic as you make you fight through each encounter. 
  • Darkness will slowly encroach on your ability to revive teammates, so don’t take too long as you make your way to the boss! 

Of course, what would the challenge be without a little loot at the end of it? The Conqueror Seal and Title can be earned by those who complete Grandmaster Nightfalls and associated challenges. If you’ve already completed Conqueror, you’ll have the ability to gild your title as well by completing all of the Grandmaster Nightfalls during a given Season! As a reminder, if you are gilding, all Nightfalls will immediately be available to complete – no more waiting until the end of the Season.

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Next week, we have the return of some nice Adept rewards for you to earn. Palindrome and PLUG ONE.1 will be available to drop once you’ve completed the activity. Adept weapon mods, Ascendant Shards, and Enhancement Prisms can also be earned upon activity completion. 

Double Vanguard rep will also start flowing next week, so if you’re still enjoying reputation rewards from Zavala, it will be a great time to run through some Nightfalls, or a quick jaunt through the Vanguard Ops playlist. 

Gambit Labs: Invasion Swap

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Next Tuesday, Gambit Labs will make its first appearance in Destiny 2! Now that we’ve gotten a slew of bug fixes and some minor tuning in place through the last few hotfixes, it’s time to hit the Labs. Both Gambit matchmaking nodes (Main and Freelance) will be updated to feature Gambit Labs: Invasion Swap. This iteration of Gambit will change up who gets invasions during the Motes phase of the activity. When a given team reaches 25 and 75 banked Motes, the opposing team will be given one invasion. 

Strategies might change in a few ways, for both invaders and bankers. Go for largest Blockers to start? Stagger large and small Blockers to keep your opponents on their toes? Invade immediately when the opposing team banks enough Motes, or stick back to fight Blockers and wait for them to build up a few Motes? We’re excited to see how players take on the twist. 

Gambit reputation will also be doubled for the week that Gambit Labs is active. We appreciate everyone who’s been hopping in and checking out all of the changes we’ve made to Gambit since the Season began! We’re looking forward to continued feedback around the mode as more Labs begin to roll out. 

Trials: Freelance 

Next Friday, April 8, Trials: Freelance will return. This playlist consists of Solo players only, so keep your head on a swivel. Communications will be limited, and you never quite know which one of your teammates will be a lone wolf.

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This offer will appear as an additional matchmaking node in the Crucible Director. Grab your desired passage from Saint-14 in the Tower, maximize your Power, and give it a try. End up in a group with Guardians you vibe with? Keep an eye out for messages and party invites, as we’ve seen some great stories about players fireteaming up after a match and reaching the Lighthouse! 

As always, we’ll be watching player feedback throughout the week. Whether you hit Grandmasters, Gambit Labs, or Trials: Freelance, we look forward to hearing your thoughts! 

Another Hotfix in the Pipe 

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Since launch, the team has been grinding out bug fixes left and right. Next week, we have Hotfix going live on Tuesday, and the Player Support team has all the details on downtimes and downloads. 

This is their report. 

Known Issues List  |  Help Forums  |  Bungie Help Twitter  


Next Tuesday, April 5, Destiny 2 Hotfix will be released. View our Destiny Server and Update Status page for maintenance times, as well as the timeline below:   

  • 9 AM PDT (1600 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance begins.  
  • 9:45 AM (1645 UTC): Destiny 2 is brought offline.   
  • 10 AM (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Hotfix will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.   
  • 11 AM (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance completes. 


Since The Witch Queen’s launch, some players on Windows 7 and 8.1 have been unable to enter the game. This issue should be resolved next week in Hotfix 


Account security and best practices are the most effective ways to ensure the protection of a Destiny account's Guardians and their items. Players are encouraged to use their platform’s security features to keep access to their accounts secure. 

  • Visit our Account Security Guide for information on Bungie.net profile security. In addition to Bungie.net profile security, the guide also has information for 2-Step Authentication and privacy settings for all platforms.  
  • Never give out your password or e-mail account to anyone. Bungie will never ask for this information. 
  • Never click unknown links from untrusted sources. 


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum

  • When attempting to import friends from other platforms for Bungie Friends, some platforms display an error and can’t import friends. 
  • Reckless Endangerment can't be reacquired from Collections after dismantling it. 
  • The Renewal Grasps' damage buff doesn't always work inside a Duskfield Grenade's area of effect. 
  • Shadows sometimes disappear when entering new areas resulting in very bright rooms on Xbox Series X and PS5. 
  • The Mnemosyne lore book for completing the Alter of Reflection activities won't unlock the last two lore pages. 
  • Eyes of Tomorrow’s rockets can sometimes stay in front of players instead of launching, exploding in front of them. 
  • The Lucent Executioners are not rotating daily and have been stuck in the Florescent Canal. 
  • The Memory Alembic quest doesn't give Refined Qualichor when completing it after the first week. 
  • Combatants sometimes don't spawn after entering the Dark Forest area in the EDZ PsiOps Battlegrounds arena if players use Sparrows to quickly enter the portal. It’s recommended not to rush to the portal so that combatants can spawn in. 
  • Legend PsiOps Battlegrounds does not advertise Matchmaking: OFF. 
  • The Report Altar-Reflect quest can become blocked if players not on the correct step join other players on another step of the quest. 

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help Forum

A TikTok for Your Thoughts?  

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Hippy: OK, so. Bear with me here. Usually, we share gameplay clips, awesome musical tributes, and similarly styled videos crafted to creative perfection. They are awesome, don’t get me wrong, but this week we wanted to do something a little different, so we are diving into the wild world of TikTok and Snapchat. Yeah, big things. Wild things. Hold onto your butts.  

Movie of the Week: Accept my invite, you cowards 

@uwu_perfected #destiny2 #destiny2tiktok #destiny2huntermain #destiny2memes #gamertiktok #gamer #foryoupage #fyp #fypツ #gameinvite #motivation #NespressoTalents ♬ original sound - PepeLeFuqyou

Movie of the Week: Think Snapchat but then make it worm 

Made a Hive Worm Snapchat filter pic.twitter.com/Kz36MFhvYF

— Plain Ben (@PlainBen) March 30, 2022

And for the cherry on top, a pretty nifty account that breaks down tidbits of Destiny goodness:  

Movie of the Week, Bonus: Rhulk 

@sir_supervillain He looks so COOL #destiny#destiny2#rhulk#witchqueen#savathun#gaming#bungie ♬ original sound - Other Things Guy

Stomp to the Left, Stomp to the Right 

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Sam: It’s Thursday, Guardians! This week we are back with Rhulk, because of course we are, as well as a very rad 3D-printed Titan we all know and love, wrapping up with friendship, because friendship.   

AOTW: --Vow of the Disciple— 


| #Destiny2Art #AOTW pic.twitter.com/CXLNbOlFUT

— Brighan⚡ (@BrighanArt) March 29, 2022

AOTW: Saint-14  

Saint - 14 is finished :D #Destiny2 #AOTW #3dprinted #Destiny2Art @DestinyTheGame #Destiny2WitchQueen pic.twitter.com/nbVixwEdF0

— G3nSack (@G3n3Asl4n) March 27, 2022

AOTW Bonus Round: The Fire of Friendship // [FIRE]TEAM

THE [FIRE] OF FRIENDSHIP //#Destiny2 #DestinyTheGame #DestinyArt #Destiny2Art #Blender3D @A_dmg04@FreebirdCreates @kaz_phd @SixF00tDwarf @TowerM0m @Cozmo23

@rDESTNYCREATION pic.twitter.com/wUGZc9OODR

— vism0kers-3 (@vism0kers) March 29, 2022

And for the millionth time, thank you so much for tagging us and using #AOTW #MOTW in your creative work. It’s truly a light in our week to see the magic you and your brain creates so keep it up, please. 😊 

Cap those Zones 

What are your plans for the weekend? I was running through my chores list just yesterday, slightly groaning at the notion of trimming trees, sweeping pine needles from the walkway, and washing windows. While somewhat tedious, I do know a treat will be waiting for me at the end of my labors. We have our first Trials Labs of the Season coming tomorrow. 

(Well, April 1. I have no idea when you’re reading this, so might as well be specific, right?) 

Zone Capture is making a return, alongside some Double Trials reputation. No major tweaks to the mode, just a fun spin to push players out of cover, or to take different approaches to a given map as they seek a trip to the Lighthouse. I'll likely be rolling solo a bit to prep for Freelance next weekend, so feel free to throw me an emote if we match up. Let’s stick close together and try to shoot the same targets. Who knows, maybe we’ll snag a W. If not, all good. There’s rep to earn and engrams to focus. 



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almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by darkpigeon93

Still no update on the night one emblems for 48h clears?

Due to work involved to ensure players can receive both the emblem and triumph, delivery has been postponed to our mid-April patch.

Once we have additional information, we’ll be sure to let you know.

almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by da_jumpman

Palindrome and Plug.1 should have origin trains now right?

Choo choo


almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheSavouryRain

Still no update on if scorn crossbows are working as intended? Because it's really fun being one shot out on patrol when I'm over 1560.

Their reign of terror will end in a future season.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by possiblythepresident

Still no word on the VRAM leak affecting PC players :(

Just checked and we are tracking this issue and working on a fix. I'm obviously not a rocket surgeon, but these type of issues look complex to investigate. Sorry about the wait.