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This last weekend, I was looking at a few of my new Trials weapons and thinking, “Huh, I wonder if these have good rolls. Who do I trust to give me a weapon review with multiple points of view that could help me come to a decision?”
After some time pondering, I remembered an awesome weapon review from Season of Dawn on the Steelfeather Repeater Auto Rifle. The strengths and weaknesses of the weapon were explored, and multiple weapon rolls were presented. The review shared the perspective of a Controller user, but also from that of a keyboard and mouse pro. With a detailed overview of things to consider, I was able to come to my own conclusion on a desired roll.
I think it’s only right that this cool guy gets a bit of spotlight in our Community Focus series. Maybe you’ll find a few weapon reviews to help you understand perks, stats, and more! Enter: CoolGuy.
So, CoolGuy, what makes you so cool aside from these weapon reviews? Who are you, what do you do for a living, and what inspired your callsign?
Ah, good ol’ Duke. One of my coworkers loves it so much, it’s their call-sign. Of any weapon in Destiny or Destiny 2, which is your favorite?
Do you have a Last Word to share before signing off? Hah! Get it?! I made a weapon pun! You make weapon reviews! But seriously, any words of wisdom before you go?
Thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger, and we'll be watching for your next review. Cheers!
We hope you enjoyed this week’s Community Focus. If you'd like to follow CoolGuy, here are a few places you can find their content:
Future facing, we're always on the lookout for Guardians deserving some spotlight. If there’s anyone you’d like to see in the future, sound off! Artists, creators, and more are welcome! It’s always a pleasure getting to know the community, and we're eager for more.
Cheers, -dmg04
After some time pondering, I remembered an awesome weapon review from Season of Dawn on the Steelfeather Repeater Auto Rifle. The strengths and weaknesses of the weapon were explored, and multiple weapon rolls were presented. The review shared the perspective of a Controller user, but also from that of a keyboard and mouse pro. With a detailed overview of things to consider, I was able to come to my own conclusion on a desired roll.
I think it’s only right that this cool guy gets a bit of spotlight in our Community Focus series. Maybe you’ll find a few weapon reviews to help you understand perks, stats, and more! Enter: CoolGuy.
So, CoolGuy, what makes you so cool aside from these weapon reviews? Who are you, what do you do for a living, and what inspired your callsign?
CoolGuy: Hello everyone, I am CoolGuy. I am a Radiologic Technologist. I have worked in emergency rooms, operating rooms, clinics, and more. In 2014, I came across a game called Destiny, made by one of my favorite developers, and I liked it so much I made a YouTube video using my Xbox. The thought of making a video hadn’t crossed my mind until Destiny, so initially I was just making content as a hobby. Fast forward five years and add an awesome community who supported me and helped me see this as a possible future, and now content creation is my day job.What brought you to start doing weapon breakdown videos specifically?
The CoolGuy moniker was given to me back in high school. I always got along well with everyone, regardless of their hobbies or backgrounds. I played videos games, varsity golf, pool, enjoyed all kinds of music and concerts, etc. One day somebody called me a “cool guy” and it stuck. I first got on Xbox Live in 2009; naturally, CoolGuy was taken. Hundreds of other variations of CoolGuy were also taken (MLGCoolGuy, SnipeMasterMLGCoolGuy, C00LGuy, XI CoolGuy IX, etc.). After a while, I decided to let everyone know that "I am CoolGuy" (the one and only).
CoolGuy: I ended up having a passion for it. I was fortunate enough to be included in the early days of Planet Destiny with Patrick Casey (Holtzmann). For me, his breakdowns really set the bar and, like many now look to me, I always looked to him to help me improve my game. Like we all do, I imitated the style of content I gravitated to as a player so, when I started creating my reviews, I based them loosely on how he broke down weapons.It's been awesome seeing you and your channel grow with each Season. Two weeks into Season of the Worthy, what’s your favorite loadout?
The goal with my channel is to put out unbiased information. I always share my opinions throughout, but the ultimate goal is to educate the player and help them understand what something is doing and how it works so they can then apply that knowledge to their game. From day one, it was incredibly important to me that my channel and the comments section provided a judgement-free zone. Your skill level doesn’t matter; we’re all improving daily, and when you better understand the mechanics of the game, it really opens up what’s possible for you however you like to play. At the end of the day, we all share the same passion for games and they’re a hell of a lot more fun when we’re doing well in them.
CoolGuy: I’m a bit of a weapon wayfarer, meaning there aren’t too many I find myself solely attached to. I really do use them all—one of the perks of my job I guess – because I’m always hunting to review the new weapons and gear, I’m constantly playing the game in very different ways. If I had to choose, my favorite way to play is as a Hunter with Oathkeepers. Le Monarque and a rampage Duke is the combination. That unlimited bow draw guarantees you always get poison damage. Just hold the bow draw and, when you see an enemy, aim down sights and shoot. With how the total damage works out (poison included), if you land a headshot with the bow, all you need to do is land a shot with Duke. If you land a body shot with the Bow, you need a headshot with the Duke. After you clean them up, Duke will be at Rampage x1 doing 100 damage to the head, allowing you to two-shot your next opponent. I can tell you no one suspects the Le Monarque/Duke – I take it all the way to Legend in comp. A close second favorite is probably anything Chromatic Fire on the Warlock... because explosions. Season of the Worthy did bring me something I will forever be attached to, though. It’s what my friends call the “CoolGuy emote.” I love that it says “CoolGuy looks Cool.”

Ah, good ol’ Duke. One of my coworkers loves it so much, it’s their call-sign. Of any weapon in Destiny or Destiny 2, which is your favorite?
CoolGuy: My favorite weapon of all time is Ace of Spades. For all of us, there are certain aspects of the game that define what Destiny is for us and how playing it makes us feel. For me, Ace encompasses everything a Destiny Exotic weapon is. It sounds cool. It looks cool. When you land a headshot, you get that fast reload and a cool animation. The headshot final blow makes explosions and then you get to hold extra damage in the magazine after you get a kill. The whole shooting experience is just top notch. I feel like a gunslinger with Ace in my hands.Cayde would be proud of every single word you just said. Brings a tear to our eyes! Where do you find yourself most active in Destiny right now? Favorite Crucible playlist?
CoolGuy: I spend most of my time in the Crucible, the Mars Core Terminus lost sector, and the Tribute Hall. Okay, the last two aren’t by choice, they are just really good testing areas. I am glad Season of the Worthy has taken steps to really address PvP players. Trials of Osiris is something I can’t get enough of. I am already back to refreshing Twitter every second to see what the map is on Friday afternoon. Seeing a high-stakes 3v3 game mode like this come back gives me hope that this is only the beginning and a great foundation for future possibilities.
Do you have a Last Word to share before signing off? Hah! Get it?! I made a weapon pun! You make weapon reviews! But seriously, any words of wisdom before you go?
CoolGuy: I would like to share a true story with you.
Bungie builds worlds that bring people together. I am a testament to that. In 2009, I played my first ever online game, Halo 3. For three months, I never used a microphone to talk in PvP. The first day I did, after a match, the top person on the other team simply said, “Good game.”
I told him the same and after that we partied up to play. This was my first ever interaction in online gaming. It turned out we had a lot in common. Later that night I told my wife “I think I met my best friend today.” She said “YEAH okay, gamer.”
I continued to play different games with him and got to know his friends who lived close to him. I got to know his girlfriend. We talked every day. In 2014, my wife and I needed to move from New York. Long story short, five years later, we choose to move 15-minutes down the road from him and his girlfriend. Now it’s 2020. We meet for dinner, hang out, and even watch each other’s house when the other is on vacation. You know, things friends do.
For some of us, gaming is a hobby. For others, it’s a passion. Some of us game as a release from day-to-day activities. When you’re on Twitter, Reddit, or watching your favorite content creator or streamer; I want you to remember this. We are more the same than we are different, and you might just be playing with or against your new best friend. For me, the course of my life changed with a simple, “Good game.” Be kind to someone, you never know where it’ll lead.
Thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger, and we'll be watching for your next review. Cheers!
We hope you enjoyed this week’s Community Focus. If you'd like to follow CoolGuy, here are a few places you can find their content:
Future facing, we're always on the lookout for Guardians deserving some spotlight. If there’s anyone you’d like to see in the future, sound off! Artists, creators, and more are welcome! It’s always a pleasure getting to know the community, and we're eager for more.
Cheers, -dmg04