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Arc has had by far the lowest usage rate of any hunter subclass for years at this point. It’s no secret the subclass needs some (a ton) of love to get us using it again. What is y’all’s speculation on what will come next season, what do you want to come that probably won’t, and will you actually use it if a second super doesn’t get added?

Arc hunters have had fundamentally one super even after forsaken and remains the only light subclass in the game to be this way so a second super would be very appreciated. Some sort of ranged melee (arc kunai or something) and survivability built into our kit is the third ask, maybe inherent blinding.

Edit: as someone pointed out in the comments, there is a high chance of us not getting an arc super. Please please please do not harass any bungie devs if this happens. They’ve worked their asses off all year to deliver a free update to the subclass systems every 3 months which is awesome.

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over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Highmooon

All the people hoping for a new super are going to be in for a world of disappointment.

EDIT: Well well well, looks like i need to eat my words. Can't believe the mad lads did it.
