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The words "lazy", "uninspired", and "just incredibly disappointing" come to mind.

VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: Okay so thanks to the eagle-eyed u/MapleApple00, it's come to my attention that the new move is very possibly NOT a shatterdive/phoenix dive knockoff (I know, I'm surprised too). Check this out:


It looks like the hunter's movement is going sideways off the ledge in more of an arc trajectory than a straight-down or diagonal dive. Which reminds me much more of the dodge that the Solar Lucent Acolytes have. If we're getting a modified version of THAT, then I'll be much happier and will have stirred up all this controversy for nothing (other than my own amusement.. ah well).

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over 2 years ago - /u/Tocom - Direct link

"The words "lazy', "uninspired", and "just incredibly disappointing" come to mind."

Happy launch day.