about 6 hours ago - /u/Mercules904 - Direct link

Originally posted by Lilscooby77

Exalted truth is missed!

Exalted Truth is for sure one of my favorite legendary weapons I've made.

about 6 hours ago - /u/Mercules904 - Direct link

Originally posted by VirtualPerc30

if your responsible for choir consider this a virtual kiss on the mouth

No need for kisses but you're welcome!

about 4 hours ago - /u/Mercules904 - Direct link

Originally posted by Houseplus

Does the upcoming buff to Heavy Burst pulse rifle also apply to Revision Zero?

Yeah it applies to the heavy burst mode

about 4 hours ago - /u/Mercules904 - Direct link

Originally posted by LuciferTho

you deserve roses for that. feels like an energy rose but somehow more consistent

It’s the SUROS frame magic