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Let me just get it out of the way that I love this game. All the bellyaching from myself and (I would assume) most others in this sub is out of tough love.

Now that that's out of the way... I was lucky enough to get the sparrow early on and the ship on my second Shattered Throne run. The Secret Victories Emblem and the Ghost Shell eluded me for a while but I snagged them about a month or so ago and I was THRILLED to put on my Cursebreaker title. When I jumped into a raid with my regular group, I was excited to hear their reactions and get some pats on the back. I did not get those pats. Mostly what I got was, oh man, you are so lucky. It made my spirits drop a little knowing that that's how other players probably see it.

Even still, I'm proud of my CB status. I did the missions, I collected the bones, I shot the eggs with the Wishy Bow, I ground that Corrupted lady until she gave me the Least of her Horrors. Overall I feel good, it just gnaws at me that the RNG element diminishes the triumph in the eyes of many players.

In case someone who works on the game reads this, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO AND ALL THE CRAP YOU HAVE TO PUT UP WITH FROM US!

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the post.

The team is well aware of this feedback, and will be putting more focus on deterministic ways to acquire seals in the future. In other words, less luck, more accomplishment.
