Original Post — Direct link

This megathread is dedicated to the Heresy: Act I developer livestream, which will cover new content arriving on 2025-02-04. More information is available here.

We ask that you keep all hype, reactionary comments/thoughts, news bits, etc. within this thread while it is active.

When to Watch

10 AM PST (Pacific Time), or 18:00 UTC.

Where to Watch

Tune into Bungie's channel on Twitch to also earn progress towards the following:

  • Scorned Organ, unlocked by watching 15 minutes or more

The stream is also available on YouTube, but it does not award emblem progress.

Sony Playstation's Youtube channel is also providing a stream for the reveal.

SGA: Sort comments by "New" to see the latest conversation!

External link →
about 1 month ago - /u/Destiny2Team - Direct link

Originally posted by ASavageHobo

No new exotic armor then?

Heresy will bring quite a lot of Exotic reworks, new Aspects, and new Arc verbs to the overall sandbox. While there won't be new exotics, there will be tons to buildcraft around and reasons to pull out old favorites (or things that have been sitting in your vault) to give them a try.

Hear the feedback and will pass it along, though.