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Try to make this short. So my kids a gamer. And he knows dad plays Destiny. Well one day he wanted to play. I told him no it's too hard. In all honesty I just didn't want him playing my characters. They are mine. Anywhoo. He mentioned it again yesterday and it dawned on me. Why don't I just redownload the first one?

So I did. And after idk how many hours it was ready. Well during the final stages of the copy progress it showed various pictures of like the Dreadnaught and stuff. And that's when it hit me. I started getting flashbacks of things I did in the first game. I was like "Damn".

Anyways I had to delete a character. Killed off my Hunter. Let him take over without him knowing I deleted my Hunter. Told him to pick between classes. After him going back and forth he picked....yep a Hunter. Good job buddy.

After what seemed like forever of him changing races, colors, hair, I think he ended up with a female human. After which I told him that he better like that look cause he can't change it ever. "Like never?" He said. If only my dude. At least his looked good at the end. Better than the weird emo warlock I first made.

But seeing the beginning cutscenes, ghost finding him in the cosmodrome, "Eyes up Guardian", everything just got me. So many great memories that I've forgotten about. Oh and he actually did pretty well. But watching him play he walked up and knifed half the poor dregs. I'm thinking "man he really should have been a titan".

But we finished with him getting to the Tower. Before we turned it off he said "Wheres Cayde? I wanna talk to him". Me too buddy me too.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Gabol_BForti

"Wheres Cayde? I wanna talk to him". Me too buddy me too.

oh man I was not prepared for this..

I'm sobbing at my desk, but it's a happy sob.