I would much rather get booted out of a Gambit match every 3-4 games than have to play 50-100 games of PvP for one single Triumph. (I'm looking at you, Verdant Light: Competitive.)
Turn it on for the weekend, I don't care...just turn it back on Bungo.
- Yesterday (Thursday 4/18), Bungie disabled the Revelric Light automatic buff in Raids, Gambit, Gambit Prime, and Comp.
- The Revelric Light is still active in Quickplay Crucible playlists, Strikes, Patrols, Black Armory Forges, and the Verdant Forest.
- The tonics and their effects have not been altered, so you can use the bonus regen of the tonics+armor everywhere except in private matches.
- The have not updated the wording on Triumphs or Bounties to reflect the changes.
Addendum: This immediately reminded me of the Iron Banner bounty 'Shine On', where you had to produce 50 orbs of light during Iron Banner. And if you wanted to complete the 'Silimar's Design' triumph, you had to do that bounty on 3 characters. It was far and away the most grindy bounty they had. But all orbs counted. We are now expected to produce 200 orbs (that's 50 more for those of you who aren't math-inclined) and only a random portion of critical kills are going to count. That means no bubble titan orbs, well of radiance, tethers, etc. This sucks.
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