This week at Bungie, we’re closing out 2019
It’s been quite a year. While we continued to build Destiny 2, we began the journey to publish it as well. Since then, we’ve invited Guardians to master the Menagerie in Season of Opulence. We returned to the Moon to reunite with a familiar friend and confront new Nightmares. We repelled a Vex invasion and set off a chain of events that are currently being discovered by Guardians in Season of Dawn. With the passing of each Season, Destiny 2 has evolved.
On top of all that, we welcomed new Guardians to Destiny 2 and unified the community across all platforms with Cross Save. None of this would have been possible without you—thanks for sticking with us throughout the years. It’s hard to believe we find ourselves in the fifth year of Destiny. We’re celebrating the end of this amazing year with The Dawning, which kicked off this week.
Eva is back with her new Holiday Oven as well as new recipes and treats to deliver across the solar system. Perhaps you’ll even want to gift some to an old nemesis. Be sure to grab some Dawning Bounties; they reward both Bright Dust and Double XP! Check out this introduction to The Dawning for more info on what to expect during the event.
Dawn of Iron
Next week, Lord Saladin will hold the first Iron Banner of Season of Dawn.
Iron Banner and Valor Bonus
Start: 9 a.m. PDT on December 24
End: 9 a.m. PDT on December 31
There will be an Armor 2.0 version of the Iron Truage set available this season. The Seasonal Pursuit to earn this armor will work similar to last Season but we have changed some of the steps and what weapons are required to gain progress.
In case you are just joining us, here is a refresher of how it all works.
There is a new Seasonal Pursuit which must be completed prior to being able to turn in tokens to purchase packages from Lord Saladin.
- This pursuit is character based and rewards a Season of Dawn armor set.
- Each step of the pursuit awards Iron Banner weapons or armor.
- Most of the objectives within the pursuit track progress at any point during Season of Dawn, even if you have not yet acquired the pursuit.
Until the Seasonal Pursuit has been completed, all rewards will be obtained from completing matches and bounties.
- All of the rewards will be weapons until the Seasonal Pursuit has been completed.
- There will be seven bounties offering Pinnacle rewards (970 Power Max,) but only four are available per event.
If you were paying close attention to the Season of Dawn calendar you may have noticed an Iron Banner-themed Bow. That image will also show up as director dialogue in the game when Iron Banner starts next week. We were hoping to have the new Iron Banner Bow available this Season, but it had to be pushed to Season 10. Sorry about the delay, but we wanted to call it out to avoid any confusion.
We also made a change to the An Arsenal of Tricks bounty. The ability final blow requirements has been reduced by half.
Put on your most powerful gear and go control those zones!
Breaking Dawn and Time
We launched Season of Dawn last week and we scrambled the fighters to shoot down some new bugs this week. Player Support has the details.
This is their report.
A Cold Front
Eva Levante is visiting the Tower once again and has brought The Dawning with her. All players can use her Holiday Oven to gather and combine materials to form gifts for vendors across the solar system. The Dawning began on December 17, 2019, and ends at the weekly reset on January 14, 2020.
For more information about The Dawning, including some handy hints on those recipes and materials, please view our support guide.
This past Tuesday, Hotfix was released to the world and resolved several issues found at the launch of Season of Dawn, including:
- Destiny 2 PC settings would not save after quitting the game.
- Dynamo mods granted more Super energy than expected.
- Launching Forsaken Baron adventures would cause a Honeydew error.
- Resonate Stems, Escalation Protocol chests, and other impacted rewards wouldn’t be granted.
Known Issues
- Our Player Support Team has been monitoring player reports in our #Help Forum to find the latest issues impacting gameplay. Below is a summary of the latest reported issues.
- The EDZ Obelisk can sometimes not be accessed.
- The Green With Envy and Heart of the Dragon quests sometimes don't update while playing and completing Gambit or Crucible matches, respectively.
- Players need to reach Mythic Infamy rank to progress the Gambit "Green With Envy" quest step, not Fabled.
- Warlocks cannot Blink jump after switching weapons or canceling Sprint.
- Players who accept or complete a quest from Osiris will need to back out of his menu entirely and interact with him again to continue picking up other quests. This must be repeated for every quest picked up.
- A flashing notification icon appears constantly above Tess’ head in the Tower.
- For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players should view our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
Holiday Support
As the winter season begins and 2019 comes to a close, our Player Support Team will be around throughout the holidays to review player reports and investigate the latest known issues. If you encounter issues over the holidays, be sure to follow @BungieHelp on Twitter or monitor our feed on
Players encountering other issues are encouraged to report them to the #Help forum.
Great Dawning Bakeoff
Welcome to another edition of Movie of the Week. This is our ongoing tradition of picking a few of our favorite community created videos and sharing them for all to see. The creators also get a brand-spanking new emblem for being featured. When submitting a video, remember to link your profile in the description of the video so we can give winners their hard-earned digital goods.
Movie of the Week: That’s not how the force works.
Honorable Mention: The Future is now.
Today, we started a holiday sale on Shadowkeep and Forsaken. You can grab either for up to 40% off. The Upgrade Edition is also on sale and is the best deal if you want to pick up both. Pricing and offer availability determined by retailer.
Well, here we are, the last TWAB of the year. We’re going dark for a few weeks around the holidays,
This year has been an exciting one and we have a bunch of cool stuff lined up next year too. Thanks for making Destiny the awesome evolving world it’s become.
Happy holidays.
<3 Cozmo
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