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Basically it's not doing anything and Titans were winning until today.

Click on show this thread to see his other tweets about this.

" [–]Mblim771_KyleThe Gifv Guy | @gifv_Kyle [score hidden] a minute ago Dylan (wash your hands) Gafner - @A_dmg04

Apologies for the delay on commentary here:

If you see a player spamming medal turn ins in the tower, this is purely a visual bug. This is providing no extra benefit to any class in Guardian Games.

Team has tested/verified this. Wanted to make sure before making a statement.

Deleting/Creating a character isn't moving the needle either.

"The impact of Guardian Games intro quest farming, since all Classes are doing it in similar ratios, is negligible and has had no impact of the final daily rankings. Yes, Titans are really, actually crushing it!"

To sum up:

Spamming medal turn ins using a latency exploit doesn't actually work. Deleting/Creating characters to bank extra medals isn't giving any class an unfair advantage."

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by SnowBear78

Yeah, until they post actual numbers of medals per class I'm not believing a thing they say about this shit show.

Funny how when they release a patch they comment on this. Fixed something did we?

Fixed something did we?

No, we didn't make any changes to Guardian Games in the Hotfix.

We'll share some more info about Guardian Games scoring in the TWAB tomorrow though.