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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48006

Solstice of Heroes is a grand tradition among Guardians. It’s a chance for us all to reflect on past hardships and celebrate the resilience of humanity’s foremost defenders. All players of Destiny 2 are welcome to participate in this event, which will begin on July 30 and run until August 27.

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The festivities start with a visit to Eva Levante near the Statue of Heroes in the Tower.

Become More Powerful

Let the energy of this community flow! Each day, the event will feature one of the three elements: Solar, Arc, and Void. Elemental kills will award you with Elemental Orbs. Picking up these orbs will let you complete objectives to upgrade your armor. You can create whatever orbs you need for the objectives you are working to achieve. You can also collect 30 orbs that match the daily element to apply an elemental buff for a brief time. 

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These buffs can really shake things up:

Solar Elemental Buff

  • Equip your Solar subclass and weapons to generate Solar orbs. Then, collect them to wield their Solar elemental power. While empowered, Guardians emit a burning wave of energy that damages anything around them.

Void Elemental Buff

  • Equip your Void subclass and weapons to generate Void orbs. Then, collect them to wield their Void elemental power. Crouch while empowered to become invisible and gain Truesight plus enhanced ability regeneration.

Arc Elemental Buff

  • Equip your Arc subclass and weapons to generate Arc orbs. Then, collect them to wield their Arc elemental power. While empowered, Guardians move with enhanced speed and deal greater melee and Sword damage.

These effects will last for a short time or until you are defeated by your enemies. Have no fear… These buffs will not be active in Competitive or Gambit Prime.

Combat Meditations

Eva and Ikora have created a new ritual for you to hone your skills and take full advantage of the new elemental buffs. You will be going to an entirely new area called the European Aerial Zone (EAZ) to take on Hive, Cabal, or Fallen enemies. This is a new 3-player matchmade activity that can be launched from the Tower or the Director.

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Your goal will be to defeat as many minibosses as possible before time expires. When your time runs out, you will face off against a final boss. Once the boss is defeated, you will set out across the EAZ in search of treasure chests. The more minibosses you defeat, the more treasure will await you.

The chests contain Solstice Packages that you can open with Solstice Key Fragments earned by completing any activity during the Solstice of Heroes. Consider them similar to Essence of Dawning. What’s in the packages?

Solstice Packages award:

  • Rare and Legendary gear
  • Enhancement Cores
  • Materials

Once you’ve earned Legendary Solstice armor, Solstice Packages will reward you with additional armor, so you can hunt for rolls with enhanced perks.

Collecting all of the Solstice Legendary armor sets on all three classes will give you access to the EV-37 Voidstreak Sparrow.

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Upgrading Your Armor

Solstice of Heroes armor sets will need to be upgraded from their “Drained” Uncommon state to their “Renewed” Rare state. Completing the armor upgrade process will grant you the “Majestic” Legendary set. To upgrade the armor, Guardians must complete a variety of objectives on each armor piece before advancing to the next set. There will be a final set of objectives available to unlock the Masterwork version of the set.

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We know that while upgrading these sets is a fun experience, it does take a commitment of time and effort. Lest it feel like a bummer earning this set just to have the new armor system make it somewhat obsolete when Shadowkeep releases, we decided, based on player feedback, to make the Solstice of Heroes armor set the first armor 2.0 set you will receive (assuming you earn it, of course). Whatever full Legendary sets you earn now will have their new armor 2.0 versions waiting for you to pick up from the Gunsmith when Shadowkeep releases. You will be able to see only the set for the character you are logged in as; you will have to switch characters to claim other eligible sets.


As with most events, there will also be a new offering from the Eververse Store. There won’t be an event engram this year. Instead, every single item will be available for direct purchase using Silver and Bright Dust. All Eververse items will be available for Bright Dust at some point during the event.

Armor glows will be available for you to add to your Solstice of Heroes armor sets. They will show up on any version of the set to provide Guardians with an enhanced look. Armor glows shine brightest when your subclass element aligns with the element of the glow. You will be able to purchase entire sets for either Silver or Bright Dust. Armor glows will remain available for use after the Solstice of Heroes event ends.

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Here is a look at some of the cosmetics that will be available on the store:

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There will be two additional Moments of Triumphs available during the Solstice of Heroes event as well. We will also be making Gambit available to all players of Destiny 2 during the Solstice of Heroes, from July 30 until August 27.

Good luck out there, Guardians!

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by KillienMarxs

These buffs will not be active in Competitive or Gambit Prime.

These buffs will not be active in Competitive or Gambit Prime.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by KillienMarxs

OMFG - tiny dinghy sparrow- DO WANT

It's 50% wholesome, 50% adorable.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by InfiNovaTheGreat

u/Cozmo23 Can we get an idea of how the Armor Glows will look in Eververse? Will it be like "Buy the Hunter set and you get a Void, Solar, and Arc Glow" or more like "Buy the Arc Armor Glow and have it available on all 3 classes"

Or is it going to be individual like "Buy the Hunter Solar Glow"?

You purchase them based on the element. If you purchase the Arc set, you get the Arc Glow on all Classes you earn armor for.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by FluffyBlizzard

That is unfortunate, no idea why you guys always make decisions based on a vocal minority, like the people who bitched about revelry, meanwhile most people enjoyed the change of pace.

You will still get the change in pace in all other Crucible modes.

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by ExarchApophis


Where would you rank the amount of grind it will take to masterwork a set of the armor? Will it be possible to complete all elements on all characters if I'm a bit of a no lifer?

I mean, that’s my personal goal for this event and I work a full time job.

You do you, really. Go hard, or go casual. Set goals and reach them. Objectives will be available next Tuesday, then you can plan your event as necessary.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Xelphos


So you say the armor will be brought forward to Armor 2.0 if you get the legendary version. Does that mean I don't have to Masterwork all sets on all 3 characters? Do I just have to get the Majestic sets to get the Armor 2.0 version when Shadowkeep launches?

Yea you don't have to Masterwork the sets to pick up the 2.0 versions in Shadowkeep.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by cdimock72

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Will the armor have armor 2.0 enabled during the event or do we have to wait for Shadowkeep to see what armor 2.0 is like?

You have to wait until Shadowkeep.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the feedback.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Shippin

As a point of clarification. I’ve seen that certain stages require certainty elemental orbs. However this makes it sound like certain elemental orbs only drop on certain days...

Does that mean that we’ll have to progress on certain days, and that we won’t just be able to unlock the armor on our own accord through the course of the event regardless of what days we play?

I’ve got enough in my life without having to schedule out which characters I need to progress on which specific days.


Edit: The days are just a reference to the buff, otherwise it will function like last year and you can progress at your own pace.

You can create any orbs on any day depending on your loadout. You just need to match that days element to get the buff.