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I'm not sure about anyone else but I seem to be finally running low on Etheric Spirals and even Baryon Boughs lately. I remember people saying how much Baryon Bough's they had collected after Forsaken launched. After 3 releases of increase power levels and infusions my stacks are finally getting low enough that it's a cause for concern.

So Bungie please add them to the Spider's rotation of other planetary materials for trade. I really don't want to spend hours going around Tangled Shore or laps of the Dreaming City for resources in the coming months.

I also wouldn't mind the ability to trade Weapon Parts + Telemetries for Enhancement cores directly with Banshee too. Have them compound in cost just like Spider does. Would give me a reason to start using some of the 100+ Pure Matterglass Lens I've collected and never used.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Azurephoenix99

Yo, /u/Cozmo23, /u/dmg04, any chance we could get this?

I'll let the dev team know that this was requested. Thanks.