Hands down the most fun I've had with a build...simple yet fun and effective. Bottom tree Nightstalker for melee invis. I have around 80 Mobility. Paired with Graviton Forfeit for the extended stealth from both melee and Vermin*Ratking perk*. Literally can stealth forever. As far as the infinite DPS buff that comes from 1Taking Charge, 1Swift Charge, 1Stack on stacks mod that buff my Suprise Attack Mod. kills=charge with light ...picking up orbs=charged with light... stack on stacks mod automatically gives u x2 charged with light. solo or in a group orbs are everywhere and its easy to get 2 kills with a sidearm so your rounds will always be buffed from the Suprise attack mod. I'm having a blast vanishing in and out of a reload/melee while having a infiinite DMG buff . also have oppressive/overload mods.. and other are just to help with ammo/reload on sidearms/sword ammo etc. none of these are important just help and fill my play style - (Pc) ediBl3.