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Bungie, don't do it. Don't do that thing where you release an exotic, and completely neglect and forget about them, refuse to rework them for no reason and let them collect dust in our vault. Do not do that thing where for no good reason, you toss away a perfectly good concept of a gun because all you want to do is release new stuff, and refuse to look back and change the guns you already have right in front of you.

The exotic glaives feel so bad to use, their exotic perk takes 6 special ammo to use abilities, which in reality, are not that impactful (especially hunter one rip to all my hunters out there) and synergise with nothing (excluding certain Warlock interactions).

These glaives were a main promotion point in the Witch Queen trailers, and they were put there for a reason, to hype the sh*t out of people. Yet they came out and underwhelmed literally everyone. Rework them. Do not forget them. You owe this to the people who bought Witch Queen based on the trailers.

Sorry to be so negative. But when they nerf Lorely Splendor a week after it comes out but just ignore the state of the exotic glaives it fills me with pain. The fact that they have not communicated a single thing about the exotic glaives also makes this about 10x worse because it makes me think that Bungie in reality are just too lazy to actually do anything about it. Bungie don't ignore it, just fix them.

Fyi let it be known that I loved Witch Queen, this is just a really really sore pain point. They got everything else right, and could have literally had the biggest home run of their lives if they were a little more touch with the community and ACTUALLY acted on exotic feedback, rather than just saying they would.

I hope they make me eat my words this upcoming, or next TWAB.

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about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

Wanted to touch base to say that the team is aware of the feedback. I can't speak to any changes being made, or really even promise that tuning will take place quickly. We likely won't have anything in the TWAB this week, so don't worry. You won't be eating any words, OP!

Things can take a bit of time to tune, and we want to make sure the team has appropriate room to plan and execute if changes are to be made. Never want to rush a patch that could make the items feel worse, introduce major bugs, or create insane monsters in the game that require multiple rounds of nerfs.

Once we have appropriate information, we'll be sure to let you know. Same goes for the Exotic Titan Helm.