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(This only applies if your characters' Power Level is 650 or close to 650. If your Power Level is ~645 or less, feel free to play as much Heroic Strikes and Gambit as you'd like)

According to schedule, the Daily Challenge that starts on Sunday is the Heroic Strike Challenge. You are given 4 days to complete this for a Powerful Reward (Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed), so it will be optimal to save this for until AFTER the weekly reset and the new Season has started for a chance at getting gear above 650.

Similarly, the Daily Challenge that starts on Monday is the Gambit Challenge. You are given 4 days to complete this for a Powerful Reward (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu).

This is all assuming that Bungie does not change the Daily Challenge Schedule.

There should be a new Daily Challenge for Crucible and Heroic Adventure on Tuesday, so there is no need to save these for the new Season.

Cozmo confirmed in a separate thread that the Power Level increase starts on Tuesday (March 5) (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/avtg0b/season_of_the_drifter/ehi1g3r/).

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

We also have a fix coming Tuesday, to address the issue where challenges would sometimes double up. (which meant there could be a day in the week with no daily to complete)