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Here's a clip if you don't know what I'm referring to. Long story short, Haunted Lost Sectors stop spawning bosses after 10. Fast teams are left with a minute of just sitting there until the final boss spawns.

It's a really fun new mode, but I don't know why they added a boss cap.

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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Looks like this bug was identified towards the end of development, but we couldn't get a fix in time. I'll see if we have anything planned for the duration of the event, but this may exist for all of FOTL2021.

Sometimes this is the way it goes. An annoying bug is found, isn't felt to be high enough priority to rush a fix in or pull resources from other initiatives. Why not higher priority? It's not as impactful to the whole of the community. While I don't have exact numbers, many teams are finishing the 10-boss-burn with less than 20 seconds to spare. Many teams don't even get through the cap! Still a small hiccup before the final boss spawns, but far less impact. Additionally, it's not considered to be a high priority blocker. Burning 60 seconds while waiting for a boss to spawn can indeed be annoying, but it's not erroring players out of the mode, preventing quests from being completed, negatively impacting performance... stuff like that. It's indeed a hit to momentum and the player experience, but it speeds right back up with enemies start spawning again.

It can be a bummer, especially when it impacts the top percentiles of the community that burn through the bosses fast enough to hit the bug. If we end up having a fix before the end of the event, we'll be sure to let you know! If not, we'll note it for next year in the case that Haunted Sectors return.