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Look i'm usually not one to complain (Unless it's about CBMM or H*nters but i am pants at PvP)

But it feels like it didn't really DO enough to fix this beautfiul weapon

Like it feels like it went from Zero to a Middle aged Dredgen Dad with alchohol problems

It was really a swing and a miss, maybe next time this weapon gets a looking at it can be the slugger it once was, just maybe adjust the damage values against Guardians so the 7 Gambit mains don't throw a strop

Could do with dialing back the nerf to Ricochet damage against bosses, doing something cool with a weapon like that should be rewarded not punished

But that's just my 2 Ballywho (adept)s

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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. Looks like season 15 changes are solidified (coming soon to a TWAB near you), but there may be opportunity for an additional (minor) change in a mid-season patch.

Once we have more info, we'll let you know.