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Title. Crafting can be a grind in and of itself; there is no argument there. But it turns out that the RNG roll of a weapon still slaps. It’s not the edges out top 1% best all around perfect, but it still has high utility.

The NEED to get all the crafted weapons and perfect gear is generated by completionists/perfectionists attitudes, not BNG. The self need to have that gold border with enhanced perks is not theirs, it’s the individuals. It’s one thing to want that crafted, perfect version. It’s another to suggest that the game mandates that you have it.

I do wish the weapon patterns were easier to attain, but it’s not game breaking for me.

please, forgive any typos

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over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

Wanted to give a couple quick notes on feedback that we're tracking this season for Crafting. In particular, the seasonal challenges that have gone live recently are pushing players to feel like they need to craft a bunch of weapons quickly, leading to some negative feedback. I want to make it clear, acknowledgement of these items does not mean that there will be immediate change to any of the crafting systems. In any case, we've been passing this up to the team for future opportunities to improve the system (or things around it.)

Recently, a Seasonal Challenge went live that required players to reach level 10 on three seasonal crafted weapons. This led to some negative feedback surrounding crafting as it didn't feel like an appropriate objective to unlock a seasonal vendor upgrade.

  1. First and foremost, there were a few bugs impacting acquisition of seasonal deepsight weapons, which made it very difficult to craft a seasonal weapon over the first few weeks of Plunder.
    1. This pushed poor feedback around "Grind", and additional feedback around acquisition of deepsight weapons being rough.
  2. The objective of crafting+leveling three weapons to 10 can be confusing to players, as it doesn't give a good idea of which weapons qualify. Seasonal weapons from the current season, or any season? What about King's Fall weapons, which were released this season? Did it need to be three unique weapons, or could a player craft a single weapon three times and level them each up to 10?
    1. The description could be updated a bit to give a more clear understanding, or the requirements could be altered to be a bit more open.
  3. There is an additional seasonal challenge that required players to earn/craft three seasonal weapon patterns, but this did not prevent progress for seasonal vendor upgrades.
    1. While some players were frustrated with the challenge, it was felt to be slightly more appropriate as it could be completed over the course of the season for XP rather than needing to be done in a week to unlock a seasonal vendor upgrade.
  4. Acquiring and leveling up crafted weapons can feel like a lot for those who do not have large amounts of playtime, or it can feel repetitive to those who are crafting numerous amounts of weapons over time.
    1. The team recently increased a few sources of weapon progress, but players would still like to see changes in the area of leveling up a weapon/unlocking perks.
  5. It can be frustrating to a player when receiving duplicate deepsight copies of a weapon that's already been crafted, especially if they've been looking to craft a specific weapon for some time.

There are many more feedback items around crafting in general, but I wanted to call these out as they are in relation to what the OP is saying. Keep the feedback coming, and we'll be sure to pass it along to the team as we can.