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Bungie, I would LOVE to know whether my enemy has Tether or Spectral blades. Dawnblade or Well of Radiance. Sentinel Shield or Ward of Dawn. Why hasn't this happened yet? Forsaken has been out over a year, with countless patches and hotfixes being released since, and not one has fixed this. Is there any word about it for Shadowkeep? I haven't seen anything but I might've just missed something..

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

The answer is we have prioritized other things when allocating resources to update the game. I know that is kind of a boring answer right. It's just when we are decided on what to change and put it up against something else, we have felt the other thing would be more impactful.

Not saying this is a non-issue though. We are aware that it is currently confusing and that players would like to see it updated in a future update.