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This will instantly increase population. Of course you still need to win to gain the 3500 gross points (rather than net points as losses don't count against you). There will still be people playing to get to Not Forgotten etc, so high comp should still be a thing. I think they should take this a step farther:

I think they should add a triumph for the other pinnacle weapons (except Not Forgotten, which I do not have and I believe should remain exclusive to hitting Legend). For example, the Revoker requires 3500 points. Maybe they add Mountaintop triumph requiring 4500, Recluse 6000, Lunas 7500. This would keep people playing and keep the lobbies full. You could technically get these pinnacle weapons with a lot of grinding with low win rates. I know people that are willing to put the time in and just hate going on losing streaks. Also, this is coming from someone that has everything but NF. I think this would be a good balance and give below average crucible players incentive to get into comp knowing that they can eventually earn these guns. Those of us that usually get the comp weapons will just get them faster. Maybe even faster than before considering the huge influx of players that this should bring into comp.

EDIT: thank you kind guardian for the silver. You popped my reddit silver cherry. You make me blush 😊

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by spinmyspaceship

Listen here you little shit

This is some Ace commentary.