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See title.

The melee "stomp" does not register as a melee alas, but this is amazing. Combined with whisper of shards you can have basically 100% uptime on all abilities and the empowerment of HoIL.

The build I run with it absolutely slaps in PVE, nothing is left unfrozen and everyone gets crystals to hide behind, proc Whisper of chains and explode the whole room.

That is all, I'll post my build below for the curious ones.

Stasis Titan Aspects: Diamon lance, Howl of the storm Aspects: Whisper of Shards, chains, fissures, rending and bonds. Grenade: Glacier

Weapons: Eyasluna (Unrelenting Headstone with reload perks) Any fusion (I run glacio with sub/resevoir or cartesian with Lead from gold and vorpal) Sleeper/Gally/Whisper/Whatever DPS you want.

Armor: Exotic: Hearth of inmost light (Duh) Combat mods: Explosive wellmaker, elemental ordnance, bountiful wells, well of life, elemental armaments. Artifact mods: Thermoclastic Blooming, Particle deconstruction (if running sleeper), Hands on. Regular mods: Hands on (helmet); Impact induction (arms); Fusion Reserves (Chest, optional); Absolution, Recuperation (legs).

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about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Oh my