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Daily Milestone(s)

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Daily Modifiers

Affect Strikes, Heroic Missions & Adventures

  • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
  • Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.

Daily Reckoning Modifiers

Affect all three tiers

  • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Attrition: Regeneration is greatly impaired. Defeating enemies may create wells of Light.
  • Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

Daily Heroic Story Missions

  • 1AU (PL 280) - The Almighty. The time has come to stop the Almighty. Board the ship, and shut down its annihilation weapon.
  • Utopia (PL 280) - Titan, Moon of Saturn. Venture deep into the heart of the Hive to retrieve a powerful Golden Age CPU—and make it out alive.
  • The Gateway (PL 310) - Mercury. Osiris's damaged Ghost appeared on Mercury—along with a Vex army. That can't be a coincidence.
  • A Deadly Trial (PL 310) - Earth. Brother Vance says there's a Temple of Osiris in the EDZ where you can revive Sagira.
  • The Machinist (PL 500) - The Tangled Shore. Battle across the toxic wastelands to take down the Scorned Baron known as the Machinist.

Daily Heroic Adventure (FP: )

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Gunsmith Inventory

  • Impact Mod: Increases melee regeneration speed.
  • Counterbalance Stock: Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.

Spider Material Exchange

  • Purchase Enhancement Cores (1 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Legendary Shards (1 for 10 Etheric Spiral)
  • Purchase Glimmer (2500 for 1 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Phaseglass (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Alkane Dust (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Seraphite (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
  • Purchase Datalattice (5 for 5000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard

Name Description Requirement Reward
One Shot, One Kill Defeat enemies with precision damage. 50 Headshots 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
The Harder They Fall Defeat minibosses and bosses in any strike. 15 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Perfect Energy Defeat enemies in strikes with any Fusion Rifle. 10 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
In Their Face Defeat enemies in strikes with any Shotgun. 15 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Kill It with Fire Get Solar kills in a strike. 25 Solar kills 5 Vanguard Tactician Token

Lord Shaxx, Crucible

Name Description Requirement Reward
Forged in Fire Complete matches in any Crucible playlist. 2 Completions 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
An Object in Motion Land final blows using Kinetic weapons in the Crucible. 10 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Catch! Land grenade final blows in the Crucible. 3 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Killing Wind Defeat three opponents in the Crucible without dying. 1 Streak 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Thunderstruck Land Arc final blows in the Crucible. 5 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points

The Drifter, Gambit Prime

Name Description Requirement Reward
INVADER: Doctor Invader While invading, heal the enemy Primeval in Gambit Prime. 1 Primeval healed 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
REAPER: Light-Based Killer Earn any Super multikill medal in a Gambit Prime match. 1 Medal earned 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
COLLECTOR: Bang Knuckles Defeat enemies with melee abilities in Gambit Prime. 20 Enemies defeated 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
SENTRY: The Bouncer Defeat Blockers in Gambit Prime. 100 Blockers defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
INVADER: Invading the Crucible Invader bounty. Complete Crucible matches. 2 Matches completed 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
REAPER: Reaping with the Basics Reaper bounty. Defeat enemies with weapons that use Primary ammo. 30 Enemies defeated 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
COLLECTOR: Collecting Resources Collector bounty. Gather planetary resources from patrol zones throughout the system. 10 Resources gathered 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
SENTRY: Sentry Duty, Full of Light Sentry bounty. Generate Orbs of Light. 10 Orbs created 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points

The Drifter, Gambit

Name Description Requirement Reward
Blockade Send a small, a medium, and a large Blocker in Gambit. 1 Small Blocker & 1 Medium Blocker & 1 Large Blocker 30 Infamy Rank Points
All Right, All Right, All Right Complete a Gambit match. 1 Match completed 30 Infamy Rank Points
Electri-fried Use Arc abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 15 Enemies defeated 30 Infamy Rank Points
Teamwork As a fireteam, defeat enemy Guardians in Gambit. 25 Guardians defeated 50 Infamy Rank Points & Legendary Gear

Banshee-44, Gunsmith

Name Description Requirement Reward
Submachine Gun Calibration Calibrate Submachine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [SMG] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
Sniper Rifle Calibration Calibrate Sniper Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Sniper Rifle] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Kill] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core

Ada-1, Black Armory

Name Description Requirement Reward
Rasmussen Tribute Pay homage to the Black Armory's Norse heritage by defeating enemies with Power weapons and Shotguns. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Satou Tribute Pay homage to the Black Armory's Japanese heritage by defeating enemies with Swords, Sniper Rifles, and Bows. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Black Armory Shield Drones Destroy the Black Armory shield drones protecting the Forge Saboteur. 9 Drones destroyed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Hammer and Tongs Throw batteries at the forge to successfully charge it. 2 Charges completed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Heroic Evaluation Complete a Heroic adventure with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. 1 Heroic adventures completed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer

Visage of Calus, Triumph Hall

Name Description Requirement Reward
Precisely Earn precision kills without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 25 [Headshot] final blows 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Make Your Mark Earn precision kills in the Crucible without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 2 [Headshot] final blows 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Scorned Defeat Scorn without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 50 Scorn defeated 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Bank on It Bank Motes without dying in a Gambit Prime match. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 20 Motes banked 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer

Spider, Tangled Shore

Name Description Requirement Reward
The Great Equalizer Defeat Fallen in Thieves' Landing. 35 Fallen defeated 2500 Glimmer
Conquer the Conquerors Defeat Cabal in Soriks's Cut. 35 Cabal defeated 2500 Glimmer
Sharpshooter Get 25 precision kills. 25 Precision kills 2500 Glimmer
Super Visible Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. 20 Super kills 2500 Glimmer
Flotsam and Jetsam Defeat Hive in the Jetsam of Saturn. 35 Hive defeated 2500 Glimmer
Shoreline Scavenging Harvest Etheric Spirals on the Tangled Shore. 5 Resources gathered 2500 Glimmer
Lost in the Gulch Explore the Lost Sector Trapper's Cave near Four-Horn Gulch on the Tangled Shore. 1 2500 Glimmer

Devrim Kay, EDZ

Name Description Requirement Reward
Grenadier Get grenade kills in the EDZ. 20 Grenade kills 10 Dusklight Shard
Front Line Defense Defeat Cabal in the EDZ. 30 Cabal kills 10 Dusklight Shard
Salzwerk Scavenger Loot chests in the EDZ. 5 Chests looted 10 Dusklight Shard

Sloane, Titan

Name Description Requirement Reward
Clean the Deck Defeat enemies on Titan. 50 Enemies defeated 10 Alkane Dust
Kaboom Get Power weapon multikills on Titan. 3 Power weapon kills 10 Alkane Dust
Chain Lightning Get Arc kills on Titan. 30 Arc kills 10 Alkane Dust

Failsafe, Nessus

Name Description Requirement Reward
Super Awesome Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Nessus. 3 Super multikills 10 Microphasic Datalattice
Pinpoint Accuracy Get precision kills on Nessus. 10 Precision kills 10 Microphasic Datalattice
Electrified Get Arc kills on Nessus. 30 Arc kills 10 Microphasic Datalattice

Asher Mir, Io

Name Description Requirement Reward
Arc Potential Get Arc kills on Io. 30 Arc kills 10 Phaseglass Needle
Hot Shot Get Solar kills on Io. 30 Solar kills 10 Phaseglass Needle
Handcrafted Get melee kills on Io. 15 Melee kills 10 Phaseglass Needle

Brother Vance, Mercury

Name Description Requirement Reward
Short Fuse Defeat Minotaurs on Mercury with a Fusion Rifle. 10 Minotaurs fused 10 Simulation Seed
Eye-Liminated Defeat Cyclops on Mercury. 3 Cyclops defeated 10 Simulation Seed
Arc-robatics Get Arc kills on Mercury. 30 Arc kills 10 Simulation Seed

Ana Bray, Mars

Name Description Requirement Reward
Super Competitive Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Mars. 3 Super multikills 10 Seraphite
Defrosted Defeat Hive on Mars. 30 Hive defeated 10 Seraphite
Martian Melee Get melee kills on Mars. 15 Melee kills 10 Seraphite

Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments!

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link
