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I think it would be a great idea and I’m 99% sure if something like this was done then there would be a huge player spike at this time

I’m sure if the sandbox team really plays the game then the people who take care of Xur can ask them what kind of rolls would be awesome to see in xurs little shop.

Imagine you wake up the Friday before Christmas to check Xur out and he’s selling a true prophecy with rangefinder explosive rounds and accurized rounds with a range masterwork. Or a FILO with auto loading holster and Vorpal weapon with assault mag.

A man can dream

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about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Depends on whether you've been naughty or nice.

Xur may show up with some godrolls. May show up with some lumps of coal. Who knows? His will is not his own.