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Nova Warp (N.W.) and the whole subclass is in a very sorry state.

In the beginning there was legitimate reasons and illegitimate complaining. Bungie later said "the Nova Warp super is too dominant right now". But now Hunters dominate. So the big questions are...why & how was N.W. too dominant? It needed a very close look, then small changes in specific areas, not a total nerf of every aspect. And now its rarely used. Keep in mind, it's a ROAMING super and requires CHARGE TIME to attack. It's about balance. Some ideas I've seen...

Start with the original, pre nerf, N.W. :

  • Reduce duration to match other roaming supers
  • If you decrease duration, then increase mobility, don't nerf both (D.N.B.)
  • If you raise the energy costs to charge/hold attacks and to blink, that will impact duration, D.N.B.
  • If you nerf attack damage, then buff charge time, D.N.B.
  • If you lower the radius, then raise the attack damage, D.N.B.
  • If you nerf the user damage resistance, then buff ONE... range or charge time or attack damage
  • Pre charging and holding is needed because you are defenseless while charging and must be close to targets...with shotguns
  • Supers with charged attacks are at a disadvantage in close combat with supers with non-charge instant lunge attacks
  • Add full detonation when super is being activated
  • When holding a charge, it should detonate if killed before release
  • Slightly lower spread and range of Handheld Supernova, that's it.
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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Give me thoughts on things that you feel when playing nova warp.

Ex: I feel like Nova Warp can't compete with other supers (like spectral blade) because I run out of super energy by the time I'm able to track down an opponent. Would love to see duration increased to match that of another roaming super.

Tell me how you feel about the super itself. Damage, duration, movement. Also tell me about the general abilities on it (handheld).

Greatly appreciate everyone in the comments giving their thoughts! Just love diving deeper into your minds so I can accurately represent the conversation.