Morning Guardians,
What a day! I think we can all agree that Gjallarhorn day went down a storm and was enjoyable for almost everybody, Destiny community and beyond.
That said, this is a Mod post to inform you of the following:
Gjallarhorn Day is now over!
All new posts breaking the subs rules will be removed and will be expected to follow the usual rule set as of this post going up.
Some highlights:
Even though /u/dmg04 used unfair tricks, /u/Cozmo23's post had almost 1k upvotes more (yes that's how it works). I guess Baby pictures
win ;)You made u/MartiansFromVenus narrate the Books of Sorrows in an awful Scottish accent, part 1 is already live.
We (and, apparently, Bungie) are waiting for a picture of a tattoo on a special place. Hope you deliver, /u/UserProv_Minotaur!
The "Club Penguin" post gathered ~40k upvotes (and 50 reports, which we all ignored
)/u/djxyz0 posted an oddly specific challenge, that was promptly solved by /u/djxyz0, congratulations
! But some others earned their gold, too!/u/NorseFenrir was tagged 50 times in the Official Birthday wishes megathread, and probably many more throughout random posts of the day. Happy Birthday
!Over the time of 16 hours, /u/vinniemarz went from one Gjallarhorn to 4096 Gjallarhorns
And, lastly, thanks for keeping it serious in Luke's final post of his Director Cut series. Not that you had much choice ;)
The Mod Team would like to thank everyone for participating in DTGs favorite holiday! Shout outs to you, the awesome community, anyone who is new and just came to party, Bungie for dropping by and enjoying the festivities together.
See you next year, Guardians!
~ r/DTG Mod Team
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