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Hi everyone. D1 Beta player here, kneel peasant.

The reset is tomorrow and I have played every DLC this game has to offer. I remember every single one, because I am a D1 Beta player and therefore MUCH better than you are.

My question is will I have to restart the entire game on the reset? Do I lose all my Exotics? Do I have to sell D2 and rebuy it from the Playstation store? I could really do with your help here, I'm a D1 Beta player and I deserve your respect and attention.

Thanks in advance,

Sim, your local D1 Beta Player and purveyor of Entirely True Facts.

EDIT: Look at all the Alpha players coming in, throwing their weight around. Look pal, we get it. Only a loser would say things like "Oh look at me I started the game earlier than everyone, bow down peasant". I, a Beta player, am better than that. You should try to be as well.

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

D1 Alpha player here - I agree with everything and nothing in this post. I too wonder if I need to start from scratch. Do I need to quit my job and start my career path once more? Do I lose all of my Reddit Karma? Will I have to change my name to dmg05?

Thank you,

Dylan, your friendly neighborhood community manager and D1 Alpha Player.

p.s - '04 or bust