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One of The second Quest Steps of the Seasonal Gambit Quest for the Gambit Emblem "Team Player", which you need for the new Savior Title, is currently bugged.

For the Emblem you need to get enemy kills, Kill Streaks and you need to hit the Infamy Rank Fabled.

> GREEN WITH ENVY | Quest Steps

> Infamy Points | Fabled II

Well, as you can see, i hit Fabled via. Bounties and it didn't recognize that i hit Fabled. I tried to fix this by going to the Tower and back into Orbit, which sadly didn't work. And i also tried to hit Fabled II, which also didn't work.

Bungie, fix this please before the Season ends. I really want my title :(

tl;dr Gambit Quest bugged out. Don't rank up to Fabled via. bounties.

EDIT: Alright, i get it. You need to hit Mythic, not Fabled. The Quest Steps just says it wrong.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by NigelMemeberry

I believe so but I'll tag them just in case. u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23

The Enemies Percentage for the Green with envy Gambit quest has been stuck for me at 39% and nothing i do is changing it. Please help!

Thanks, we are currently investigating.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Asterias19

Bug is still outstanding...fix any time soon?

It should read Mythic. If you are referring to the quest not progressing correcting for some players that should be fixed in the next update.