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Im not saying it cant improve im saying it is the best until now.

HCs have a healthy range ( Love the changes to HC subtypes), Pulse rifles are pretty good, auto rifles are still good but not braindead easy and unpunishing as they were in last season, sidearms are a really good counter to shotguns and have a good range, Scouts are bad instead of trash, and special guns are good.

Imo this was better than the HC only meta, or the Auto meta last season, it has a big variety of guns. I hope we can remain like that rather than having a single type being overpowered. What are your thoughts?

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over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. It’s still early in the season and we will continue to monitor but it’s good to hear players are enjoying the weapon changes so far. If you do have any specific feedback let me know!