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There has been a void in my gaming time for the past few months. I've been wondering if maybe I'm done with the hobby. I've tried a lot of different games and genres, but I couldn't find anything that grabbed me. My rule is that if I don't have fun within the first three hours, I turn the game off and never play it again.

I picked up Destiny 2 Forsaken for the Xbox One over the weekend on a whim, hoping that maybe the looter shooter genre would spark something in me.

The only looter shooter I've ever played was Tablua Rasa, way back before it died. I don't know why the very idea of these games has turned me off in the past, but in my mind they weren't for me. I love loot focused ARPGs, yet the idea that an FPS shooter could have the same appeal seemed alien to me. I'd read the odd Destiny article but never took the plunge myself. It just didn't seem like my type of game.

Boy, was I wrong. Destiny 2 is a blast. It got its hooks into me within the first few hours. The gameplay is phenomenal, the story and characters are actually interesting, and the first zone and quest hub is intimate enough that I'm not overloaded and shut down by a million little quests. Exploration feels rewarded, and the seamless integration of online play means I can have fun with group quests and easily transition back to a solo experience anytime I want.

The game looks great in 4K on my Xbox One X. The framerate seems to suffer a bit in large zones, but I can tolerate that.

Oh, and the underlying DNA of Halo that permeates the gameplay is fun to encounter again. I didn't realize how much I missed it.

I am really, really excited to keep playing. I've not been able to say that about a game in over a year! I'm a semi-casual player with limited playtime, so I'm hoping I'll be playing Destiny 2 for a long time.

Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold!

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

There are many LFG portals that people will point you to (I'm fully expecting some comments to this reply) - but highly recommend the Destiny Companion App.

Find Fireteam is pretty quick, and you can send invites once you've gotten enough players. We're pushing out an update tomorrow for report features on the app, too, to keep it a bit cleaner.

Hope you enjoy, and thanks for playing.

about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by PatFagan

Ishtar Commander is one of the most useful and beautiful apps I have ever born witness to.

Agreed. Ishtar has a permanent place on my home screen.