Original Post — Direct link

Hey Guardians,

As you all may have experienced right now, Destiny is having some issues with maintaining a steady login causing the queuing, disconnects and something that can only be described as a giant pickle

We’re creating a Megathread now to provide 24/7 coverage of the great disaster itself and provide updates from Bungie here as soon as they become available

Please direct all Downtime discussion to THIS Megathread, try not to clog up /new as users are still trying to post regarding other topics and/or questions

Link to earlier Bungie Replies direct on Reddit

Bungie Updates

Starting from the latest update via @BungieHelp


As we continue to investigate issues impacting Destiny 1 and Destiny 2, Clan features on Bungie.net and the Destiny API are being taken offline.

We hope you are all doing well in this time of crisis and have not eaten any of your own limbs while waiting for the golden age to return

While the issues are preset please consider staying active in body and mind. We suggest the following:

  • Go for a walk

  • Make Lemonade

  • Tell us your guilty pleasure song

  • Hug a loved one

  • Adopt a Dog

  • Go for a cool salad and a long walk on the beach

  • Para sailing

  • Learn to play an instrument

  • Wonder if Sand is called Sand because it’s between the Sea and the Land

  • If DMG likes bread so much doesn’t that make him part Duck 🦆

  • Whats up with Titans anyway

  • Eat a Sandwich with a new filling

  • Nap

  • Get a job

  • Donate to charity

  • Reach out to an old friend

  • Bacon

Eyes up Guardians. Love, Mod Team <3

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

If DMG likes bread so much doesn’t that make him part Duck 🦆

Ducks shouldn't eat bread

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

'Bread isn't harmful'

”Although ducks and swans can digest all types of bread, too much can leave them feeling full without giving them all of the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need. "So, although bread isn't harmful, our advice is to only feed small amounts to birds.”

Yeah I’m not saying throw a loaf at him or anything

Kind helpings of bread but not too much

I demand you change your name to RiseOfBread