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Can this change?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I can't speak to DIM since it's completely community created. They do an excellent job and their app is amazing. One of the devs over there is a long time friend and clanmate of mine.

As for our mobile app and website, it's much safer to make changes and add features there than the actual game client. We have to be careful when we add any sorting options or really anything to do with item management that it doesn't break anything or affect performance.

I'm not trying to give excuses here and say there is no way we could ever make any changes, but I do want to answer OP's question. In the past, we have avoided sharing because we don't want to be seen as saying "making games is hard."

Let us know what changes you would like us to prioritize and we'll share that with the team to see what they can do in future updates.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by slimflip

Cozmo, I've faced a cheater on every single trials run this weekend, it's demoralizing. Why aren't you guys addressing this? Thanks

We are. We're currently issuing bans and also working on anti-cheat improvements. If you haven't got a chance yet, we talked about it in last week's TWAB.